Monday, January 3, 2011


Untoward Incident in Lovers' Lane
A Texas DPS Trooper was patrolling late at night off the main highway. He sees a couple in a parked car, with the interior light brightly glowing.

He carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine.

He also immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, filing her fingernails.

Puzzled by this surprising situation, he walks to the car and gently raps on the driver's side window.

The young man lowers his window and mutters, "Uh, yes, Officer?"

The trooper asks: "What are you doing, son?" The young man says, "Well, sir, I'm reading a magazine."

Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat, the trooper says: "And her in the back, what is she doing?"

The young man shrugs. "Sir, I believe she's filing her fingernails."

Now the trooper is totally confused. A young couple, alone in a car at night, in a lover's lane, . . . and nothing improper is happening!

The trooper asks: "What's your age, young man?"

The young man says, "I'm 22, sir."

The trooper continues: "And her . . . what's her age?"

The young man looks at his watch and replies, "She'll be 18 in 11 minutes . . . ."

I know we've encouraged Paul (A.) far too much. Tone your comments down, please.


  1. That is very funny! But there might be some who would find this a teensy offensive.

  2. susan s., indeed there might be some. Grandpère said the same, as he laughed. What could I do? The joke passed the LOL test.

  3. You're an accomplice, Mimi. No playing the innocent and blaming it all on Paul (A.) and Doug, even if they are the masterminds.

    I love it.

  4. Dear Paul, I'm praying for you at this moment.


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