Saturday, February 5, 2011


...from matters Anglican, but Paul Bagshaw, at Not the Same Stream, is not. His latest post titled "End Game" begins:
I am now confident that, at last, we have finally come to the beginning of the end of the schism in Anglicanism, though not in a way I had anticipated.

Enough to whet your appetite?

And if you look at the picture, which I lifted from Paul's blog, of the primates who attended the Primates' Meeting, you see that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori does not put herself forward at picture-taking time. There she be, in the background, one woman amongst the men, but I believe she more than holds her own in the meetings.


  1. I was starting to make a snotty comment about Jack Iker getting directly behind Williams for the Lambeth group photograph, Mimi, but then I remembered that KJS is in the front row, two seats to Williams' right .

  2. Lapin, I remember that picture from Lambeth.

    My question is who would want to stand behind Rowan?

  3. She's in the back row because she is taller than them all, in more ways than one.

  4. margaret, our Kate stands tall, all right.

  5. I am pleased to see Phillip Aspinall, Primate of Australia standing beside her. There was some concern he would not attend as he is also Archbishop of Brisbane where there have been floods and of course to the north a serious cyclone last week. However I felt he was better being in Ireland as he is a great supporter of our cause even though the Archbishop of Sydney makes more noise for the haters.

  6. Brian, I'm so pleased that Philip Aspinall attended the Primates' Meeting.

    I pray for those affected by the flood and the cyclone.


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