Friday, February 25, 2011


Click on the cartoon for the larger view.

From Jesus and Mo.


  1. I have to say, Mimi, that your propping of "Jesus&Mo {&Moses were all evil&deluded idiots, if they existed at all}" continues to mystify me.

    It's precisely as MP says of the Anti-Theists: Booooooring!

  2. JCF, you've told me before that you don't like Jesus and Mo. What can I say? Chacun à son goût. I like some, not all, of the cartoons. I post some of those I like. I'm not going to defend them or argue that you should like them. Are you the pope of boring? Citing MadPriest doesn't make your case stronger. Sorry.

  3. What do you like about them? {asked the Supreme Carmichaelan Pontiff ;-X}

  4. Your Holiness JCF, because the strips skewer people of faith in ways that ring true. I'm talking about the entire range of people who call themselves Christian. If we claim the name, then we're stuck with the baggage that comes with the name, even if we say, "Hey! That's not me!"

    I don't know what Muslims think about the strip.


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