Wednesday, February 23, 2011


From Jude at First Draft:

Well, this is news from Madison, WI, but not about the protests and such.

I started the day with breakfast with a fellow state worker parasite. We went to a local diner to do something silly like spend money on goods and services that would help stimulate the local economy.

As is my wont, I ordered a cup of coffee with breakfast.

Yes. That's right. I'm in goddamn Wisconsin, and I get a cup that says "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God." And it's got a goddamn Confederate battle flag on it. That's a cup that's just bound to piss me off.

Read the rest of the story over there. You won't be sorry.


  1. I'm afraid my elbow would have accidentally knocked that mug on the floor hoping it would break.

  2. Piskie, I would have been tempted to something like that, too. I suppose Jude got more satisfaction from what he finally did.

  3. When I lived in *Pennsylvania* (Central) in the 90s, I used to routinely see the Stars&Bars (sometime accompanied with the words "It's a White Thing---You Wouldn't Understand").

    Of course, that wasn't as bad as seeing (once) a T-shirt w/ MLKJr's profile, and a crosshairs over it, w/ the words "Our Dream Came True!" (I think I vomited a little just typing that)

  4. And I thought it was only down heah, JCF. Sadly, no.

  5. JCF and Mimi,

    I worked with a man who grew up in Pennsylvania - he told me, gleefully, how he and his friends and adult family used to come down South and go "n****r huntin'" so they wouldn't get a bad name for their state. He was the most racist, sexist, homophobic, backwards creature I've ever met.

    Stupid and violent doesn't limit itself to a particular geographic locale.

  6. Stupid and violent doesn't limit itself to a particular geographic locale.

    You're right about that, Mark. Jude, who wrote the post at First Draft, is originally from Mississippi.


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