Monday, February 28, 2011


You women are not ministers of God. Your father is the devil. Your feminist filth will lead you all the way to hell. And sometimes that can be a short ride; to wit, we cannot assume the true God to be longsuffering forever toward women who preach that God is a weak, sexist, lecherous feminist like you both are. Repent, women; the only way you can be saved is if you confess your Jezebel sins and fall at the feet of the only Man who can save you: the historical God-Man, Jesus Christ.

The words above were left in the comments to a post at Dirty Sexy Ministry, the blog of two Episcopal women priests. The comment came to me because, unlike the man who left the comment, I thought the words referenced were lovely, and I said so at the blog. The post, which is titled "The F-Word", IS lovely. The F-word that is the topic of the post is not the word that instantly pops into your mind. I have to wonder if the person quoted above read even one word before he left his nasty comment. And can you tell instantly from the words that the commenter completely misses the message that God is love? I confess that it still shocks me when persons who claim the name Christian respond in such a way to fellow Christians, or to anyone, for that matter. Why, I can't say, because I've seen that sort of response often enough that I should be immune to shock.

Read the post, and see what you think.

I checked out the website of the person who left the comment, and I will not link, nor will I even give the man's nom de blog. You can find the information at Dirty Sexy Ministry.


  1. Isn't it amazing how many people miss or misunderstand the message of God's love?

  2. Sir, I have often thought that Christians have perverted the word Love to mean something entirely different in a "theological" content.
    And someone recently even said to me that when liberals talk of God's love they neglect to use the word in it's Christian sense!

    Give me James Alison's definition of "being loved means being liked" any day!

  3. Well, Mimi, methinks this person has a problem with women in ministry AND with forgiveness!
    When u look at all of the demonstrations going on in the Middle East, don't u wonder where the women are and what they are thinking, there, limited to staying at home? Women of the world, locked away with few choices and no rights over a large part of the world. We forget the progress we have made.(comparatively)More to come, I hope.
    When I worked on parishes as a
    Rel. Ed. person, I developed workshops for parents of kids who were making F. Communion and F. Penance. I would ask them to set aside other concerns for a few minutes and think especially of the child who was taking this big step.
    To think of that child, holding that child in loving thoughts and forgiving the child for the negative things that they did from time to time. And then I would remind them that learning about Penance could be a bit scary for kids, and asking the parents to be especially patient and to pray for the kids and the staff, to remember that God is love.
    Convert that I was, I began to learn that people trained in the old guilt-inducing ways simply could not accept that God is love and there is no sin that God cannot forgive. There was a lot of looking away and restless moving in seats as folks wrestled with this idea.
    Finally a young father stayed a bit behind one session and said to me that I shouldn't tell the kids such things and he knew that God punishes sins, etc, etc. I learned that to speak off God's love upsets the applecart of folks who were fear-trained in the "Good ole days"
    and sometimes provokes anxiety and fear and downright anger.
    Sounds like your trollish commentator has some fear and guilt issues that are unresolved,to say the least.

  4. Love God, and love your neighbor is Jesus' main message. It's simple. When the Pharisees asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan.

    Erika, I could not like George Bush or Dick Cheney, but I prayed for them. That was the best I could do, along with not wishing evil to come upon them.

    Nij, at one time, as a child and teenager, I was where the folks you describe are. My view of God was of someone on high waiting to pounce if I transgressed, which I thought I often did. I'm thankful that, by the grace of God, I left that view behind. That's how I was taught. Many take in the message of fear and guile and never leave it behind.

  5. It is remarkably ironic (as someone else commented on Dirty Sexy Ministry) that what that person said was in response to a piece on forgiveness.

  6. That would be "fear and guilt".

    Cathy, I know. Amazingly ironic.

  7. If you need to confess your Jezebel sins, Mimi, as a priest I would be more than happy to hear them.

  8. I dunno, MP: The seal of the confessional might just put you over the edge with bottling all that up inside you.

  9. bottling all that up inside you.

    Ha! You know me better than that, Paul(A).
    I'm going to blog every word of it.

  10. If you need to confess your Jezebel sins....

    MadPriest, how sweet of you to offer, but if I took advantage of your kindness, I'd have another sin on my conscience. Innocent as you are, I doubt that you realize the seriousness of Jezebel sins.


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