Showing posts with label Dirty Sexy Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty Sexy Ministry. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012


At the time the picture was taken, the little girl in the left of the picture, Briana Allen, had not yet died from the gunshot wound.  A 33 year old woman, Shawanna Pierce, also died in the the shootings.  The three shooters were armed with two pistols and an assault rifle.

Dirty Sexy Ministry posted a crie de cœur for New Orleans and its people which ends with the following words.
So, I ask that you would pray with me for New Orleans. Pray that we have hope. Pray that we can believe in ourselves, believe that we have value.
Read her entire eloquent and moving post, and please pray for my beloved home city and the people who live there.

The story may be found at

Monday, February 28, 2011


You women are not ministers of God. Your father is the devil. Your feminist filth will lead you all the way to hell. And sometimes that can be a short ride; to wit, we cannot assume the true God to be longsuffering forever toward women who preach that God is a weak, sexist, lecherous feminist like you both are. Repent, women; the only way you can be saved is if you confess your Jezebel sins and fall at the feet of the only Man who can save you: the historical God-Man, Jesus Christ.

The words above were left in the comments to a post at Dirty Sexy Ministry, the blog of two Episcopal women priests. The comment came to me because, unlike the man who left the comment, I thought the words referenced were lovely, and I said so at the blog. The post, which is titled "The F-Word", IS lovely. The F-word that is the topic of the post is not the word that instantly pops into your mind. I have to wonder if the person quoted above read even one word before he left his nasty comment. And can you tell instantly from the words that the commenter completely misses the message that God is love? I confess that it still shocks me when persons who claim the name Christian respond in such a way to fellow Christians, or to anyone, for that matter. Why, I can't say, because I've seen that sort of response often enough that I should be immune to shock.

Read the post, and see what you think.

I checked out the website of the person who left the comment, and I will not link, nor will I even give the man's nom de blog. You can find the information at Dirty Sexy Ministry.