Monday, March 28, 2011


Adorables all.

Thanks to Doug.


  1. Adorable . . . but I'm not sure they (the pics ) are all real (Photoshop being what it is).

    I met a cute 5 month-old Husky puppie today, name of "Bandit" (resembling Susan Russell's dog "Juno"). Love those soft fur-lined ears! :-)

  2. Adorable . . . but I'm not sure they (the pics ) are all real (Photoshop being what it is).

    JCF, does it matter? The pics are cute. Enjoy.

  3. Great pics. Real or not, made my heart glad.

  4. It does matter, Mimi. I don't even manage that with 2 dogs. If these are photoshops it is a great great comfort.

  5. Hi Rogue Saint. Welcome. I'm with you. The pictures made me smile - and smile - and smile.

    Erika, I've see the little ones lined up nursing like in the picture, and once the sweet little dears are asleep, it would not be difficult to arrange them just so, which would not actually be photoshopping.

    Lining up the food bowls and getting the pups and kittens to stay with their own own bowl is trickier, I admit.

  6. In the top pic, some of the pups eat with tail up, and others with tail down. Interesting. Or maybe the tails are wagging.


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