Saturday, March 12, 2011


From Erika:
Yes, that's our Saffie. She's 16 weeks old now, 1/4 Jack Russel, 1/4 Patterdale and 1/2 Border Terrier.

Saffie is the newest member of Erika's family. Isn't she the most adorabalest puppy you've ever seen?


  1. She so kewt!!! :-)

  2. Kewtness endogified!

    Good girl, Saffie! (Is that short for Sapphira?)

  3. JCF
    The girls cannot agree what it's short for. Could be Sapphira, Sapphire or Saffron.

  4. How very precious!! She's got such a lovely face!

  5. Erika--such a wonder--my secret belief is that dogs evolve from lifetime to lifetime seeking happy bonds with we humanitos(itas)and they choose us instead of us choosing them like we think we do! Saffie has excellent instincts/taste this time around when she made herself available to you (and yours).


  6. Len,
    Saffie certainly chose us! We weren't really thinking of getting another dog, we have our 4 year old wire dachsie, Waffles.

    We went next door to welcome our new neighbour, he had two puppies, we fell in love, she chose us!
    We took her to meet Waffles and Waffles fell in love too.

  7. Lapin - the girls suggested the name unaware of the implications.
    To them, it's a name from Ab Fab and perfectly conservative.
    We just have the occasional grin between ourselves...


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