Sunday, March 20, 2011


...for all involved as we continue the selection process for priests-in-charge for four parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. The Q&A sessions yesterday went quite well. I'm pleased that we are blessed with a slate of excellent candidates from which we and the candidates will choose the best church/candidate matches. I thank you all for your prayers thus far.
Lord, look upon the congregations St. John's in Thibodaux, St. Margaret's in Baton Rouge, St. Mary's in Franklin, and Christ Episcopal Church in Slidell. So guide the hearts and minds of our leadership teams, Bishop Morris, Canon Mark, the participating candidates for Holy Orders, and all those participating in the Clergy and Congregational Development Program, so that we may come to prepare and strengthen each other in our respective ministries. Make us all thankful of Your many blessings, faithful to Your Holy Word, and mindful that we are working to your honor and glory. Amen.

I confess that when I first became part of the selection process for a priest-in-charge, I did not quite realize the solemnity of the responsibility, which I now do, and it's awesome (in the old sense of the word). However, I am convinced that erring humans that we are, the Spirit of the living God guides us in the process.
Omnia vestra in caritate fiant. (Let all that you do be done in love.)

Soli Deo gloria. (Glory to God alone.)


  1. You have my ongoing prayers, Mimi.

  2. Thanks, Cathy. I was exhausted when got home last night. My day started at 4:30 AM to ready myself for the drive north of Lake Pontchartrain, where we interviewed the 6 candidates, and then I plagued my mates in the car with my snores all the way home. Poor babies.

    I can't even imagine what it was like for the candidates being on the "hot seat", so to speak, as they were interviewed by members of 4 churches.

  3. OK, 4.30am is officially TOO EARLY for any activity other than being asleep in bed. Unless you've stayed up all night, in which case, that's another story.

    When does a decision get made on the four jobs? ... Or is it quite a complicated process? ...

  4. The group from our church will vote our choices Monday evening and send the results to the diocese. I don't know when we will hear which candidate matched with which church. Of course, two will not get a church, which is a shame, because all of them had much to offer.

  5. Prayers ascending!

    I first became part of the selection process for a priest-in-charge, I did not quite realize the solemnity of the responsibility

    Just think, {{Mimi}}: if you'd stayed RC, you wouldn't have to worry your pretty head about it! ;-p

  6. Yes, indeed, JCF. I took on a load of trouble when I joined the Episcopal Church.

  7. OK, 4.30am is officially TOO EARLY for any activity other than being asleep in bed. Unless you've stayed up all night, in which case, that's another story.

    Oh {{{{Cathy!}}}}

    Feel better---get some deep, restful sleep, SOON! [This happened to me just a few nights ago. I still don't know what's going on w/ Yours Truly. Some combination of stress/grief, depression, stomach bug, back trouble, maybe a little pre-menopause, and/or??? }-X Finally see doc 4/1]

  8. oh no JCF, you're being so sweet, but I meant a hypothetical all-night (as in being out on the town till the wee hours!) Don't worry about me, apart from my wierdo cold I am fine.

    As for you, you're in my prayers always :) and I hope all your hurts, griefs and ailments will be healed soon.


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