Sunday, April 3, 2011


From Kirstin at Barefoot and Laughing:
I'm doing the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Sacramento on April 16. I signed up two weeks ago, and finally tonight got it together and finished my fundraising page. (I'm still feeling the sleeplessness from a four-week course of steroids that went with radiation.) I'd been thinking about it since I was first in treatment, while I was still in seminary. I went to their website more recently, clicked the "Survivors" tab, and started crying. I also know that if I'm going to do this sort of thing, it needs to be now. I'm capable, mentally and physically competent, and in the lightest course of treatment (oral chemo only) that I've ever had.

Please don't feel pressured to contribute. Your love is enough. But please do feel welcome to. Money raised doesn't go to me; it goes to the American Cancer Society. You're helping to fund research, and support patients in any number of ways.

You are also welcome (very welcome) to walk the survivors' lap with me. The event begins at 10am at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento.

Thank you. Love to all.


  1. Let me make a plug for this. First of all, the relay itself is reall inspiring. Second, I can assure you the the money does great things including research. ACS right now is unable to fund many of the grants its reviewers consider "outstanding" due to lack of funds. Yet historically ACS funded investigators are some of the best there are, going on in their later careers to do great things (ACS funds mostly young scientists with the most novel ideas).

    I know this because when I started out , ACS funding played a vital role in my lab. Now that I'm more senior, I review grants for them and speak at many ACS events.

    These are the good guys. Please help if you can!


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