Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Perhaps I should follow the example of Penny at One Cannot Have Too Large a Party, who says she's "Gone Fishin'", except I don't fish. I'm not much in the mood for blogging at the moment, but if I say I'm taking time off, a matter will arise about which I feel I must speak my 2 cents. I've backed off twice from my blog in a rather formal way and was back blogging (but embarrassed) within a very short time.

Yet, I am blogging less, lately. For four years, with interruptions mainly for travel, I've been at my post on a daily basis. The best I can say now is that I will probably blog less, perhaps much less, and if I miss a day, or two, or three, don't worry about me. I am fine, just a little jaded with the news of the world, of politics, and of the church. I hope to be reading more - books and magazines - which hobby was once the love of my life, along with movies, which I hope to have more time to view.

And I'll probably see you around the internet from time to time.


  1. I don't actually fish, either. :-)
    Enjoy your reading and viewing!

  2. Breaks are good. No matter how long, or short, enjoy it.

  3. I think you are being wise. But I always think of you that way. Blog when you feeling it. We won't love you less for it.

  4. Ciss and Amelia, thank you. What I want to move away from is feeling an obligation to get something up on the blog, when I there's nothing I really want to say. Of course, the only person pressuring me is me. :-)

  5. I want to fish (again). Mmmmm, trout!

    Bon voyage, Mimi...but don't be gone too long, 'kay?

  6. JCF, I'll be around on the intertubes.

  7. Enjoy your time, Mimi. I blog much less now too. We are entitled to lives offline, after all.

    WV: fishessi (we have a theme)

  8. Honestly, Mimi I'm not blogging much anymore either. Enjoy your time off! I'm doing more with my grandkids during the non-blogging times.

  9. Paul, Ciss B, when blogging begins to seem more like a chore than an enjoyment, it's time to take another look. There's a great big world out there off the internet.

  10. dang Grandmere --there you go again, setting a good example.

  11. margaret, my plan may not work out. I have three posts backed up awaiting publication.


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