Monday, September 26, 2011


From The Official Google Blog:
It’s taken 24 centuries, the work of archaeologists, scholars and historians, and the advent of the Internet to make the Dead Sea Scrolls accessible to anyone in the world. Today, as the new year approaches on the Hebrew calendar, we’re celebrating the launch of the Dead Sea Scrolls online; a project of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem powered by Google technology.
Here's the link to the website for the Digital Dead Sea Scrolls. Have a look at The Great Isaiah Scroll, which you can follow by chapter and verse. How exciting for biblical scholars and how wonderful for the rest of us just to be able to look.

Many thanks to AnnV for the link.


  1. Amazing! So beautiful. Scripts (is that the word??) from that part of the world always are beautiful. Islamic lettering is gorgeous. Amazing what resources you can access from museums online too. The British Library has got some fabulous stuff. I'm sure the Israel Museum must have many extraordinary treasures - I will have to check out their website generally.

  2. Cathy, I believe it's script, and it is lovely. I'd seen pictures before, but it's amazing to be able to see the scroll unroll, so to speak.


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