Friday, September 2, 2011


From Episcopal News Service come reports of damage in the Eastern United States from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene.
Katie Mears, Episcopal Relief & Development manager for its U.S. disaster program, said Aug. 29 that the amount of damage from Irene "seems to vary widely from place to place."

"Some people were able to stay in their homes and are now just waiting for the power to come back on; others were evacuated and are returning to try and salvage what they can from their flood-soaked homes and businesses," she said in a press release.

"We are still in the very early stages of assessment and planning in partnership with local dioceses," said Mears. "I have been in contact with a number of the diocesan disaster coordinators from impacted areas, and they will be working with diocesan leadership to see what needs to be done and how churches can help."
Here's the link to Episcopal Relief & Development, to donate to help with hurricane relief.
US Hurricane Relief

Gifts to this fund will enable Episcopal Relief & Development to support the hurricane response efforts of dioceses in the United States. In the wake of these events, we partner with local dioceses and churches to provide essential supplies such as food, water and medical care to those in need. Donations to the US Hurricane Relief Fund at this time will assist dioceses impacted by Hurricane Irene.


  1. Prayers for all of you in the Gulf region who are facing another round of torrential rain.

  2. And prayers for you, Mimi, as TS Lee approaches: stay High & Dry!

  3. whiteycat and JCF, thanks. We needed rain, but we don't need the torrents which are to come our way, nor are we looking forward to the 40 to 50 mile winds with gusts up to 75 mph. Low-lying areas near the coast will likely flood from the storm surge. As Gilda Radner said, 'It's always something.'


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