Sunday, October 2, 2011


collecting little mementos to prove her
theory that this is a vale of tears & my
advice is you damn well better stay out
of her way
From StoryPeople.

True today, I'm afraid. Family stuff - not catastrophic, but worrisome - and, since I took Ciprofloxacin several weeks ago, I seem to have developed colitis which strikes off and on. Last night it was on, interrupted by only about 3 hours of restless sleep, so a prayer or two would be welcome.

My maternal grandmother, who took a rather gloomy view of the world, often said life was a vale of tears.
UPDATE: Collect for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve: Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask, except through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
H/T to Penny at One Cannot Have Too Large a Party, who posts lovely pictures and prayers which often give me peace,


  1. Mimi, I am praying for you! My mother is suffering from chronic colitis right now. Her older brother just fell very ill and the worry she is experiencing over his sudden, serious illness and the older, housebound sister he took care of is making her sicker by the day.

    We have to reach out and uphold each other in these trying times! Yes, life is a vale of tears but there is a sunny vista filled with flowers and birdsong beyond the vale where God waits, arms open and a welcoming smile upon His face.

    That’s been my belief my whole life and I’m sticking to it!

    Take care!

  2. Brian, thank you. Prayers and encouragement are what I need now. Thanks for reaching out.

    Yes, life is a vale of tears but there is a sunny vista filled with flowers and birdsong beyond the vale where God waits, arms open and a welcoming smile upon His face.

    Very true, indeed. I believe the words, but some days it's hard to live into them.

    I will, in turn, pray for your aunt, uncle, and mother, and for you, too.

  3. Grandmere --I pray you are restored to whole health and that your family crisis is resolved soon.

  4. If I were a vulgar person I'd say something like, "Colitis stinks!" but since I'm a proper lady, I'll contain myself. ;~)

    Hope you've adjusted your diet and are avoiding the foods that only make it worse.

    Prayers for your restoration to health.

  5. Elizabeth, the colitis is new to me, so I will have to take it food by food and eliminate the troublesome ones. I can't eat a whole artichoke at a time again, and I do love boiled 'choke leaves dipped in olive oil and vinegar.

    Thanks for the prayers.

  6. My prayers too Mimi and sorry to hear you are not well :(

  7. Cathy, thanks. I feel better today. I ate Cornish game hen in moderation, and I've been fine.

  8. Belated prayers from me too. For your health and your wellbeing and for your family - and for restful sleep!

  9. Prayers and a cyberhug from the land of balloons and aridity.

  10. Erika and Paul, I feel better today, but, for the foreseeable future, I will have to pay attention to what I eat and consume food in moderation, which is a good thing, surely, but not something that will be easy for me.

    The family problem is with one of my grandsons with ADHD, who too often thinks the rules in school (and the rules at home, for that matter) are not for him. And my son, his father, is a single dad, which is a difficult enough job in itself. We go on and trust in God to give us wisdom to guide us in the best way to deal with the situation.

  11. {{{Mimi}}}

    Prayers comin' atcha (or for ya!)


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