Saturday, October 1, 2011


Last night, I lost all of my blogs on my Google Reader, except those that use the TypePad format. What's going on? I had to reload them one by one, which is a PITA. I'm still not done. Grrr.

My first quarrel with Google Reader was that it seemed impossible to delete blogs from the reader if the blogger changed names or addresses or went silent. I'd unsubscribe, and they'd be gone so long as I was online, but when I signed off, they'd be back on the list when I went back online.

UPDATE: Well!!! All the blogs are back on my reader now, including those that I have unsubscribed numerous times. A blessing, surely, but a decidedly mixed blessing, since I had already done most of the hard work, and the unsubscribed blogs are back on the list.


  1. You're a better person than I am, Gungha Din.

    My blogroll disappeared, and I never thought about getting it back.

    Well, I did think about it, but I was too lazy and too much of a Luddite to care.

    Besides, the novelty of novelty is wearing off. All these new programs replacing old programs, and old programs changing into something other than what they were....

    Fie on it!

    But I am sorry for your troubles. As I said, you're a better person than I.

  2. Rmj, if my blogroll disappeared, I doubt that I'd replace it. It's so long as to be virtually useless. Not every blog on my blogroll is on my Google Reader. I could never keep up.

    I assume you're not on Facebook. The Z and his young cohorts sweep through with changes seemingly on a daily basis. Some folks take the changes in their stride, but others, like me, bitch a lot. I'd have been outta there long ago, except that it's the quickest and easiest way to contact some of my family and friends. They don't answer their phones; they are slow with email; but a Facebook message usually brings a fast response.

  3. I have absolutely no idea what "Google reader" is and I think I'm glad of it.

  4. That's really annoying that the unsubscribed ones are back :(

  5. Elizabeth, you don't want to know.

    Cathy, you can't imagine how annoying. Why have a function that doesn't work? I'm not the only one, since there are forums devoted to the subject.

  6. Clearly I don't know what "Google Reader" is either.

    Nor am I on Facebook. I don't even have a listed phone number.

    I am at war with all social networks.


  7. Google Reader is a blog feed which tells you when a listed blogger has posted something new.

    I am at war with all social networks.

    Except blogging, surely. Good heavens! We are old friends in blog years, Rmj.

  8. Still don't think of blogging as a "social network."

    Probably a kind of denial, or something.

  9. Probably a kind of denial, or something.

    Yes. :-)

  10. Like Rmj I am at war with the social networks and all those changes they think we need being foisted on us! I'm on FB because all my family is and it is a way to keep up with all the nieces and nephews, etc. I now log off each time I'm their AND get rid of the cookies after each time I am there!

    As too the unsubscribed ones coming and going I've dealt with that, and the changes that appear on my blog which I try to make look good and find I then have huge spaces I never put in...I am not a Blogger fan at the moment and haven't been blogging much lately because of all the crap!

  11. Ciss, you're on FB for the same reasons I am. To me, Blogger is one of the least of the offenders, though it's by no means without its annoyances. Judging from the long list of complaints, no one is minding the store at Google Reader. As for Facebook....


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