Friday, November 4, 2011


It was reported tonight that Herman Cain devised his famous tax plan after his romantic advances were rejected by three consecutive German women.
Don't blame me. Blame Doug.

I'm rolling on the floor with this one.

UPDATE: I just watched the Rachel Maddow segment on Herman Cain. Unbelievable!

Cain: "I'm proud to know the Koch brothers.... I am the Koch brothers' brother from another mother."

Rachel is right. Cain's campaign is all theater. He's putting his followers on, and they don't seem to know, or, if they know, they don't care.


  1. I am hearing in my head the three ladies who serve the Queen of the Night singing, "Nein, nein! Nein, nein!"

  2. Paul, that's four neins. You'll have to cut those ladies off.

  3. I heard it was because he asked a woman (or women) to try his "69-9-9" plan. ;-X

    [I keep thinking of Cain's "I told her she was the same height as my wife" story, but in my (prophetically sick) imagination, in the incident, he accompanied the height comparison w/ some pelvic-thrusting.

    And then I have to vomit. }-0<< ]

  4. ...this was a line on David Letterman's show last night... Made me laugh outloud too --which was not helpful to those trying to fall asleep....

  5. Brilliant. Reminds me of Fred Tuttle who ran against Patrick Leahy in 2000; Fred won the Republican primary against a MA carpet-bagger and then promptly told people he was endorsing Leahy. The Republican party was livid. You can see his film, A Man, A Plan. I shook Fred's hand in Montpelier during that primary :)

  6. Correction, it was 1998 and the film title is A Man with a Plan.

    WV: You won't believe it: fredmil.

  7. Caminante, what a wonderful story. I wish we had more like Tuttle today.


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