Sunday, November 13, 2011


A sprightly 60-year-old woman was walking along 5th Avenue when she heard a voice from above:

"You will live to be 100."

She looked around but didn't see anyone. Again she heard the voice: "You will live to be 100."

Boy, she thought to herself, that was the voice of God!

And then she thought it over: I've got 40 more years to live! Might as well make the most of them.

So off she went to the plastic surgeon. She got everything fixed, from head to toe. She was going to be as gorgeous as a 20-year-old. She was ready for her new second life.

When she left the plastic surgeon's office after her final checkup, she walked across the street, got hit by a bus, died, and found herself in heaven.

She complained to God, "You told me I would live to be 100! I was supposed to have had 40 more years! So how come you let that bus kill me?".

God looked over at her and replied, "Oh, sorry. I didn't recognize you."


Paul (A.)
You know whom to blame.


  1. Paul (A.) not gonna like that, whiteycat. ;-)

  2. Oh, well ... you win some and you lose some. Most of Paul (A.)'s contributions are winners.

  3. Lots of folks on Facebook like the joke, whiteycat. The crazies rallied round.

  4. Must remember not to drink tea while reading these things!

  5. It is a given that if I don't like the jokes, they don't get posted. But some that I do like never get posted due to time constraints or naughtiness. I run a family blog. ;-)

  6. Actually I suppose if you died and a) found yourself in heaven and b) you looked like a gorgeous 20-year-old, your day wouldn't really be going so badly.

  7. Cathy, I'm counting on all of us to be gorgeous 20 year olds in heaven. Don't destroy my dream.

  8. Yes exactly!! God should have said to her, "What are you complaining about? Here have a Margarita and go consort with those macho-lookin' angels!!"

  9. I'd settle for gorgeous 27, which I've long thought was my ideal age.

  10. Cathy, that's where it would help if God could recognise people in Heaven. Consorting with macho-lookin' angels ain't gonna do it for some of us!

  11. oh absolutely, Erika - I was guessing macho looking angels would be the preferences of the lady in the joke ;)

  12. PS and also, if I am to be honest, my own preference, at least some of the time :)

    I don't mean to exclude, I was talking to Mimi, really, and I knew she'd get where I was coming from on that one.

  13. Who cares about angels. I just want to be a gorgeous 27 year old.


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