Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The scandal of Christmas is that you are asked to forgive. In the teeth of your anger and your lust for revenge, whilst you feel hurt and justified in your attitude and your position, the child asks you to forgive. Whilst there is blood all about and screaming in your ears, whilst the spit hits your face and the teeth are bared towards you, He asks you to forgive.

The scandal is that He asks you to do this without them seeking forgiveness; there is no desire for repayment sought, only the desire to pay, to put right, to restore goodness.
Read the rest of the post titled The Scandal of Christmas at Mr C's blog.

PS: It's still Christmas...the 3rd day.


  1. Thanks for this, Mimi. Good stuff here.

  2. Yes, indeed. Some of the wisdom makes me squirm, but I know Mr C speaks truth.

  3. The scandal of Christmas is that you are asked to forgive.

    Including the obnoxious motor-mouths, sitting right behind me, who all but ruined Midnight Mass? >:-/

    [Yes, I know the answer's "Yes"]


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