Sunday, March 18, 2012



Shrimp plant with St Francis

Petunias and gardenia

Hosta plantagenia
(Thanks to Bonnie)

Another azalea
Mock orange

Since the roses and bridal wreath flowers were fading, I took no pictures of them.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous! (We have daffodils and crocuses out - which is strange for this time of year up here.)

  2. Very very pretty. The azaleas are a brilliant colour and I love the mock orange.

  3. "Shrimp plant", LOL. I've never heard of that before.

    You've got a thumb that goes w/ St Paddy's Day. ;-p

  4. Thank you all. Tom gets the credit for the work and the green thumb.

    The mock orange bush is still small after years and years, but it puts on a pretty display each spring.

    JCF, the shrimp plant may have another name, but that's what we call the bush around here.

  5. Hello Grandmere Mimi--I believe the unknown plant is a hosta plantagenia. OCICBW but that's my best identification at this point.

    I just love it when some new plant just decides to make an appearance. The picture on my posts is a Star of Bethlehem. A native wildflower that just showed up a few years ago. I love it. A rare, but not highly prized, trillium and some blue-eyed grass (the smallest of the iris) also showed up about the same time.

    My azaleas are just about to bloom. I so envy yours. Beautiful.

  6. Bonnie, I responded to your comment a couple of day ago, but apparently my comment didn't 'take'. Thank you for your efforts. I believe you are correct, and I've corrected the caption under the photo to show the name. In hindsight, I remember the plastic tag with 'Hosta something' on it when we bought the plant.


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