Friday, March 23, 2012


And now, O Lord, I bend the knee of my heart,
and make my appeal, sure of your gracious goodness.
This post may be the start of a series on biblical mixed metaphors.  Not that there's anything wrong with them!

UPDATE: Actually, the 'Prayer of Manassah' is not included in the canon of most Bibles, but it is included in 'The Daily Office' of the Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church.  Alas, I seem to have chosen a rather poor starter for my series of biblical mixed metaphors.   


  1. I think it's a brilliant choice:

    "the canon of the Bible" is a mixed metaphor!



  2. Bless you, Bosco. You made me feel so much better.

  3. Well, not from scripture but your God's love for mixed message reminded me of an unexpected treasure that I still have on my wall today. I was doing a workshop for sacramental prep group consisting of at least one parent of each child and his/her child. We talked of God and of his love for us, his children. An when I set out a large box of vibrantly colored fuzzy pipe cleaners and asked each pair (parent and child) to create something symbolic of God's love. To my relief, they really took it seriously and went to work. When some time passed, we went around the group and either parent or child explained what they had made. A young woman, not long in this country and hitherto quite shy in the group stood up and held up a heart with the pipe cleaner 'flames'
    and she said: "The Church is the Heart of God." I confess to tears for a moment although I won't confess to "blubbing like a girlie"(as MP would say). I still have it on my wall to remind me
    of the quiet faith of very simple people.
    And when I think of this young mother, I sometimes feel such anger
    at these priests and church ministry people who have been abusers of children and young people. Especially because of the love and trust of so many who want and need the sense of God and love, but above all, trust.

  4. OOOPPPPs, sorry for the duplicate posting, my bad!

  5. Nice story Nij x2!

  6. There. The second post flew away.

    Nij, with amyj, what a lovely story. Indeed the simple faith of the woman points us to what the church ought to be.

    I have not written about the latest chapter in the abuse saga, because it is too horrible for me to contemplate for very long. I doubt that I ever will.

  7. Isn't there a passage about the trees of the field clapping their hands? That's kind of a three-fer.

  8. Peter, there is, indeed. And I know there are others. Rather than do a deliberate search, I will probably wait until the metaphors appear in the readings of the day.

  9. Ephesians 3: "the eyes of your heart may be opened"

  10. Thanks, dave. That particular mixed metaphor hits me right between the eyes whenever I read it.


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