Tuesday, June 19, 2012


SCG put together this Bishop Yellow Belly video a year and a half ago.  The content seems as relevant today as when it was made, including the portion on the Anglican Covenant, as I suspect that there are those in the Church of England who wish to revive the corpse.

UPDATE: No sooner had I hit "Publish" when a new post from Paul Bagshaw in England appeared in my reader on (of all things!) the subject of the Anglican Covenant.
"No timeframe" and "following ACC-15" keep options open. Drexel Gomez' drumbeat of 'urgent, urgent' has clearly been ignored. Instead an open-ended process would allow the Anglican Consultative Council to kill the Covenant if enough members wished to do so. Alternatively it would allow one province after another to sign up till those who had initially declined to do so became overwhelmed by its popularity and conceded.
Hmm...and further from GS1878: report by the Business Committee on the reference [of the Covenant] to the dioceses :
6) ... For the record, there is nothing in the Synod’s Constitution or Standing Orders that would preclude the process being started over again, whether in the lifetime of this Synod or subsequently, by another draft Instrument to the same effect being brought forward for consideration by the General Synod before being referred to the dioceses under Article 8. The Business Committee is not, however, aware of a proposal to re-start the process in this way.
Please read Paul's entire commentary on the shenanigans "amongst those who might regard themselves as 'players' in this particular game."  Sounds to me as if the "players" want to keep all options open, including an attempt to revive the corpse of the covenant in England.  


  1. SCG, is a wonder...thanks for reminding me how much I appreciate her!

    1. Thank you, Leonardo Ricardo! And Mimi, too. I only wish that this video didn't ring so true!

  2. The more protracted this Covenant debate becomes, the more I am convinced that George Orwell has been raised from the dead to write the script for the "players" in this Anglican game.

  3. Oh, that IS a good one. Maybe the best yet. I especially like the little bit of score-keeping at the very end.

  4. SCG, Paul Bagshaw's post coming just after I hit publish was timed perfectly.

    Ah yes, Linda, the score. That was good.


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