Saturday, June 23, 2012


To help save the economy, the Government will announce 
next month that the Immigration Department will
 start deporting seniors instead of illegals

in order to lower Social Security
 and Medicare costs.

Older people are easier to catch and
will not remember how to get back home.

I started to cry when I thought of you.
Then it dawned on me ... oh, crap ....

I'll see you on the bus!

From that rascally Ann.  If Mitt is elected, don't be surprised...


  1. ummmm... that looks like a really nice bus. I will remind Joel not to get on any really nice buses!

  2. margaret, the folks on the bus remind me of the trip I took to Whitby when I was in England. The cost was inexpensive, and I sat next to a lovely lady from Wakefield. The only problem is that the heater was set somewhere around 90°F, and I was dying. On the way home someone else must have asked to have the heat turned down, TBTG.

    Once we arrived in Whitby, they let us loose at our own peril, and I had a lovely day.


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