Saturday, June 9, 2012


A teen from Queen Anne's England unexpectedly finds himself in a parallel world, launching an adventure that spans centuries. Ian the Stranger faces the challenge of defeating a demon of darkness that is ravaging his new-found world, since "nothing in the world will overcome it but it will be overcome." He and his companions follow the tracks of the demon's destruction, doing their best to decipher prophecies and overcome obstacles.
The two bravest among the Norrung tribe are separated as Njothir, their chief, must remain at home to guide the people while his soul mate, Ringskild the warmaiden, is chosen as captain of the band. Pjortan the star singer is sent for spiritual protection and guidance and Wulfdar the healer is at hand for mishaps. Jannir the merchant guides them through strange lands and Meldreth, a lecherous warmaiden, always has entertaining stories to share. Others round out the band, each carefully selected for a quest that seems both foolhardy and absolutely necessary.

I have not yet read The Demon Slayers, but, with Paul, I've followed the progression of the writing of the fantasy/adventure novels over the years, and now that the book version is out, I look forward to a good read.  The Kindle version has been out for a while now, and already two favorable reviews have been posted.  From what I've hear of the novel, it sounds - um - fantastic!

The novel is available at Amazon.  

Kindle version here.

Book here.
Give yourself a treat.  Paul blogs at Byzigenous Buddhapalian.


  1. margaret, thank you. I'm glad to hear it first hand from someone who has already read the book.

  2. You are so sweet. This is the new media version of advertising since word of mouth and the internet are my only channels. So far, at least. In the past 24 hours I was able to give autographed copies to my two best friends. It seems very unreal. Oh wait, it's all about fantasy. I welcome all who wish to imagine with me. Thank you, Mimi!

    The second book should be out shortly. After that the pace slows down.

  3. I am waiting for my copy to arrive via USPS or UPS. I ordered it from Amazon thru MP's widget. I figured that would be a way to help two of my friends at once!!

  4. Aha! A paper version...will purchase and review. Review will go onto my beloveds blog, Paul...she may then look for an author interview?

  5. My copy of the paperback version is on order. I will report back to you.

    theme, how lovely that you will post the review on Petty Witter's blog. Do tell her to ask the author for an interview.


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