Friday, November 9, 2012


If Hurricane Sandy put Obama over the top, perhaps God is trying to tell Pat Robertson and his ilk that she doesn't hate gays.


  1. Did you come up w/ that one, Mimi? (Very stealable!)

  2. Replies
    1. Republicans say if it had not been for Sandy, Romney would have won. If you think God sends messages by smiting with hurricanes, wildfires, and drought, then you have to ask what is the message here?

    2. "And if your aunt had been your uncle she'd have had balls", as they say in the UK.

    3. I was an "if" kind of child in trying to persuade my mother to let me do or have something she was against. Her standard, "If if was a skiff, we'd all go for a boat ride."

  3. Impeccable reasoning. Why don't *official* Christian thinkers have this much wit?

    --Porlock Junior

  4. What you said! AMEN! Ain't God good?

    1. God is good, and God loves us all, equally, just as we are.

  5. Wow, you're still ahead of the game. I came over here specifically to look up this thread, because a commenter at Brad DeLong's blog figured it out and then went a step beyond:

    Full Employment Hawk said...

    "Don’t like the election result? Blame God:"

    But that implies that God was on Obama's side and wanted him to win.

    That makes sense since the major religions teach that God loves the poor and disadvantaged, and Mitt wanted to make them poorer.



    But I get here and see you've made that point, too, though maybe less emphatically.

    BTW, something occurred to me in thinking about all this. Ought it not to be considered a bit blasphemous to say that God is on one's side? I thought, and this is far from original of course, that the point was for us to be on God's side.

    Seriously, I now wonder if this was maybe a common idea, but I'd never heard of it, which would noy be especially strange.

    Porlock Junior

    1. Porlock, I don't know whether God takes sides in politics, but I did pray that Obama would win. I prayed that God would inspire people to get out and vote and then turn hearts to vote for the president. I believe in grace, and I also believe in that long arc of the universe that bends toward justice. In individual circumstances, we don't always see the justice - witness MLK's shooting - but his death led us to the Civil Rights Act and to the election and reelection of Barack Obama.

      It seems to me that to claim God is on one's side to launch a war is blasphemous.

      More and more I see that I make up my own theology, a theology that works for me, but my theology may or may not be useful for others. I think to a certain extent, we all make up our own theology.


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