Showing posts with label "Telling Secrets". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Telling Secrets". Show all posts

Thursday, February 3, 2011


OMG! Hegelian Dialectic in Anglican Robes. - Tobias

...from "As the Anglican World Turns", Elizabeth Kaeton at Telling Secrets is not. If the following quote from the post is not enough to get you over to her blog...
Here's but one example of Blessed Rowan's cluelessness: At the press conference at the end of the Primates meeting, Dr. Williams indicated that he is planning a global tour to mend fences to, he said, in his very own inimical way (Are you ready for this? Okay, here we go), "find a synthesis between the thesis of sexual orthodoxy and the antithesis of homosexual practice".

...then there's something wrong with you. Sorry, but it's true. :-)