May flights of doggie angels woof thee to thy rest.
Babs moved on. She had eaten nothing today, so now was the time. May she have a grand welcome by friends in the land where the grass is always green and there's always room to run and play and a comfortable spot for a good nap. And maybe even a beach. Her joints will be sound again and fit for running.
My son dug her grave earlier. Her body will rest in their back yard under the grape vine.
My brother-in-law sent me the old picture below of our dog, Ginger, who lived with us when we were children and teenagers. We sometimes dressed her in baby clothes, and she didn't mind. Babs will meet up with Ginger and won't they have a grand time sharing stories! Ginger was a good dog, too. When I was feeling really sad, I'd go sit on the back steps and pet Ginger and we'd love each other until I'd feel better.

"The Dog" by Ogden Nash
The truth I do not stretch or shove
When I state that the dog is full of love.
I've also found, by actual test,
A wet dog is the lovingest.

Picture at the head of the post courtesy MadPriest. Thank you, MP, for the sweet tribute to Sweet Babs .