Showing posts with label Bruce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2011


On this day (The Feast of St. Agnes) two years ago, my beloved cat Hildegard departed this world. She truly was a "feather on the breath of God" and I still miss her terribly. Call me a sentimental old man, but know that my life is not the same without her. At some primal, yea theological, level I'm confident she waits for me in the heavenly realms. Good girl!

(aka Canon Itchy)

Bruce, I won't call you a sentimental old man. I'll call you a man who belonged to the beautiful Hildegard who loved him very much, and a man who loved Hildegard back with all his heart. My sympathy to you on this day. I know, too, that Hildegard waits for you.