The Reverend Dr. Caroline Hall is priest-in-charge of St. Benedict's Church in Los Osos, California. She is a former member of the Integrity Board of Directors where her portfolio included international affairs. She is a frequent contributor to Walking With Integrity.
The Anglican Covenant - Part 1; Where did it come from?
The Anglican Covenant - Part 2; What's in it?
The Anglican Covenant - Part 3; Who wants it?
The Anglican Covenant - Part 4; Who's against it?
Part 1, especially, caught my attention because I, and I suspect others, was under the impression that the covenant had its earliest roots in the Windsor Report which came out in 2004.
Dr Hall says:
In fact, the concept of an Anglican Covenant was first suggested in the Dallas Statement in 1997. This was the statement from a conference attended by 45 conservative bishops and 4 conservative archbishops from 16 nations to develop an anti-gay strategy for the 1998 Lambeth Conference.
Hmmm. I wasn't paying attention back then.
Do read all of the essays.
H/T to Lionel Deimel at the No Anglican Covenant Blog.