Friday, February 18, 2011


The Reverend Dr. Caroline Hall is priest-in-charge of St. Benedict's Church in Los Osos, California. She is a former member of the Integrity Board of Directors where her portfolio included international affairs. She is a frequent contributor to Walking With Integrity.

The Anglican Covenant - Part 1; Where did it come from?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 2; What's in it?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 3; Who wants it?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 4; Who's against it?

Part 1, especially, caught my attention because I, and I suspect others, was under the impression that the covenant had its earliest roots in the Windsor Report which came out in 2004.

Dr Hall says:
In fact, the concept of an Anglican Covenant was first suggested in the Dallas Statement in 1997. This was the statement from a conference attended by 45 conservative bishops and 4 conservative archbishops from 16 nations to develop an anti-gay strategy for the 1998 Lambeth Conference.

Hmmm. I wasn't paying attention back then.

Do read all of the essays.

H/T to Lionel Deimel at the No Anglican Covenant Blog.


  1. Caro Hall is brilliant and this is an important contribution to the study of the Anglican Covenant - of infinitely more value than the Covenant itself.

  2. Yes, Caroline's essays are "of infinitely more value than the Covenant itself". And so much easier to read, because she writes clearly and to the point.


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