Showing posts with label Clint McCance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clint McCance. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2010


From Pink News:

The US school board official who wrote on his Facebook page that “queers” and “fags” should kill themselves says he will resign.

Clint McCance, who is the vice-president of the Midland school district in Arkansas , said last night he was sorry for his “hurtful” remarks.

Speaking to the openly gay journalist Anderson Cooper on his 360 CNN programme, he said: “My posts I made that were very hurtful, very ignorant in nature. Looking back on it right now and getting to, you know, scrutinise my own self and what I did. It’s horrible. And what I wrote was horrible.”

Yes, your comments were despicable, Clint. The Midland School Board is well rid of you. Perhaps if your example doesn't teach a few other bigots to rethink their hateful attitudes, it will serve to suggest that they should keep their hateful opinions private, so that the rest of us, especially the most vulnerable amongst us, won't be plagued by them.

Thanks to Cathy for the link.