Manchester Against
Bishops For: 1, Against: 2, Abstained: 0
Clergy For: 15, Against: 25, Abstained: - 0
Laity For: 12, Against: 23, Abstained: - 7
Dioceses for the Covenant to date: 15
Dioceses against the Covenant to date: 25
There are 4 dioceses yet to vote
Southwell and Nottingham 12 April (Thursday), Chichester on 21 April, Newcastle and York 28 April.
UPDATE: Percentages from Alan Perry:
With Manchester's figures, we now have:
Bishops: 77.4% for, 16.7% against, 6.0% abstentions
Clergy: 45.0% for, 50.9% against, 4.1% abstentions
Laity: 48.1% for, 47.0% against, 4.9% abstentions
Overall: 47.5% for, 48.0% against, 4.5% abstentions
Overall (clergy and laity only): 46.7% for, 48.8% against, 4.5%