Showing posts with label Gay Spirit Diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay Spirit Diary. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2012



That dear man Josh Thomas thinks I belong in Wikipedia as a notable person in the entry on Thibodaux, Louisiana, and wrote a post to that effect.  I'm flattered and honored beyond expression, but unfortunately (and unintentionally, I'm sure), he has revealed secrets that I'd rather not have called to public attention.

Truly, the post is clever and hilarious.  Here's a snippet:
Ten years ago she accepted the offer of a free, all-expenses-paid vacation at a palace in the American Southwest, where she rode around in limousines and ate like a queen – despite knowing that her hosts were charter members of the International Gay Cabal (known to the CIA as the “Gay Agendists”). These subversives succeeded in beginning her conversion to warped ways.

Experienced spies will tell you that everyone can be seduced to The Other Side. For some it’s sex, and for all we know that may have been part of her downfall. But for others, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Those Gay tempters must have taken her to the top of a mountain and shown her, “All this can be yours!”

She signed right on the spot, happily entering a life of sordid degradation.
As you read, keep in mind that Josh Thomas runs the excellent prayer site The Daily Office West, which I use nearly every day.   Contradictions abound in the person of Josh. :-)  I give him great credit for using flattering pictures of me in his post.  The picture above is one of my favorites, taken by that big cuddly bear, Paul Strid, when we had lunch and a stroll around the French Quarter in New Orleans.  Paul's account of our meeting is at his blog Byzigenous Buddhapalian.