Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2010


The health care reform bill could be better, but it could be worse, too. And the bill could not have passed the House of Representatives at all. Congratulations, Nancy. Congratulations, Barack, for finally getting serious about health care reform. See. The presidency truly is a bully pulpit. Harry, I congratulate you for getting the 60 votes in the Senate to get us where we are now. I'll congratulate you again when we get a bill on the president's desk for him to sign.

After Republican Scott Brown was elected to the Senate in Massachusetts, the health care reform bill was in its death throes, but the grass roots would not let the bill die a peaceful death. In the face of the fury and ugliness of the teabagger types, the people in favor of health care for all demanded the resuscitation of the bill and the president and the Congress got going and brought it back to life. Then 40 brave senators took a stand for the public option. We may not get the public option in the bill now, but I hope we won't be finished with health care reform if and when this bill is passed and signed into law.

Yesterday was a good day.

Image stolen from Padre Mickey.