Showing posts with label Wenchoster calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wenchoster calendar. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2010



I understand. I've never had to participate in five carol services, but I imagine I'd look a bit jaded afterward, too, even more so than the Herberts.


Click on the calendar for the enlarged view.

In the past few months, I've slipped up by forgetting to post the Diocese of Wenchoster calendar. My apologies.

Brief commentary on the December calendar:

I want to see a picture of St Kenneth the Good-looking.

I'll pass on incense-testing day. The smoke gets to me.

The pew-leaping should be a sight to behold.

"Presents for Peasants" Gift Day is noblesse oblige at its best.

How would you like to live in Bonk?

Who knew St Ursula was the Queen of Thighs? The Wikipedia article gives no clue, except that the Basilica of St Ursula in Cologne contains lots of bones, and presumably there could be thigh bones in the mix, although they are not mentioned. According to the article, the collection includes the following information:

A surgeon of eminence was once banished from Cologne for opining that, among the collection of bones which are said to pertain to the heads, there were several belonging to full-grown mastiffs.

"Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones...."