3. Jesus Drives Out the Money Changers (from The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision) by Douglas Blanchard |
Jesus in Love Blog is running a Holy Week series of
Doug Blanchard's paintings titled
A Gay Passion of Christ, along with commentary by Kittredge Cherry. Doug's paintings are stunning, and Kittredge's excellent commentary does the art full justice.
The protest looks like a scene from Occupy Wall Street, although it was
painted a decade before that movement began. Blanchard’s Jesus could be
angry about the growing gap between the wealthy one percent and the
other 99 percent, or about fundraising tactics that demonize LGBT
people, or about countless other forms of economic injustice.
I highly recommend reading today's commentary in its entirety and following the posts during the rest of the week. The paintings and the words provide timely meditations as we approach the climax of the Lenten season.