Thursday, December 2, 2010


From an interview by Mr CatOLick.

Thanks to Ann.


From Fr John Dear in the National Catholic reporter:
Dec. 2 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the abduction, rape and killing of four U.S. churchwomen in El Salvador -- Maryknoll Srs. Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sr. Dorothy Kazel, and Maryknoll lay missioner Jean Donovan.

So much has happened in the thirty years since -- beginning with the deaths of millions and millions of more poor people around the planet, the ongoing warmaking of the United States, and the ongoing collapse of the institutional church.

As we remember these great churchwomen and do what we can for justice and peace, I think...our lives too will be filled with meaning.

30 years already? It doesn't seem that long ago that I heard the horrifying news. Please read Fr John's entire column in the NCR.

Almighty God, you called your servants Ita, Maura, Dorothy, and Jean to be voices for the voiceless poor, and to give their lives as a seed of freedom and a sign of hope in El Salvador: Grant that, inspired by their sacrifice and their example, we may without fear or favor witness to your Word who abides, your Word who is Life, even Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be praise and glory now and for ever. Amen.

(Adapted from the prayer for the feast day of Roman Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero, of El Salvador, whom the Episcopal Church commemorates on March 24. This past March was the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Romero as he celebrated the Eucharist.)

Thanks to Rmj at Adventus for the reminder of the anniversary.

Image from A Nun's Life.


Greetings, Episcopal Family---Prayers are needed for a young mother (37), named Aileen, who was in my sixth grade class many years ago. She is in ICU in Rapid and has been in a coma for several days. She has two little boys. Below is a Facebook update from her husband Mike Rodgers. Thank you for your immediate and ongoing appeal for her healing. Blessings to you all---Sally Boyd

From Mike- update on my sweet Aileen. MRI came back and was one blow after another. She suffered a heart attack and caused the blood, oxygen flow to not reach her brain for a portion of time, suffered 5 to 6 major strokes, 5 lesser strokes and many much smaller ones. her internal organs seem to be doing a bit better, still has a LONG way to go. I beg you all please continue to pray for my amazing wife and best

Forwarded by Ann Fontaine.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Aileen the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Book of Common Prayer)

O merciful God, give strength, courage, and your peace that passes understanding to keep the minds and hearts of all who love Aileen; in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Quick update: Aileen seems to be having a few more conscious periods going on today, she is still in a coma as that is her basic state right now but she is definately moving in the right direction, testing yesterday shows that her vision and hearing should be intact, her right side is making good progress, but she is losing what she had on her left and tests show that there is nothing happening in the brain in reference to her legs at all. These are fairly limited tests and all they are really able to do until she wakes up more, many many unanswered questions. From her husband, Mike on FB


We invite parents into the classroom to tell about family celebrations. Last year a parent taught us the "Ocho Kandelas" song, which is a Hanukkah song in Ladino, a Sephardic language that sounds like Spanish and Hebrew with a little Arabic in there as well. The native Spanish speakers in my class were pretty excited to get the idea of the song, even if the words weren't exactly the same as in Spanish. The video is us learning and practicing the song with the lyrics on the ActivBoard. We say "Kandelikas" a lot, it's pretty fun.

From k1classroom at YouTube

Last year, I stole the video from my friend Paul the BB. This year I repeat myself, because I like the video quite a lot.


It was Hanukkah and the tiny village was in fear of not having any latkes because they had run out of flour. Rudi, the local rabbi, was called upon to help solve the problem.

He told the village wives, "Don't worry, ladies, you can substitute matzo meal for the flour, and the latkes will be just as delicious!"

Sheila looks to her husband and says, "Morty, do you think this would really work?"

"Of course it will!" he replied: "Everybody knows Rudolph the Reb knows grain, dear!"

Don't blame me. Blame Paul (A.) And I'm trying to decide what Paul's punishment should be: tarring and feathering or simply shunning.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


First Blessing

Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom Asher Kiddeshonu Be-mitsvoysov Ve-tsivonu Lehadlik Neyr Shel khanuko.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by His commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of Hanukkah.

Second Blessing

Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-oso Nissim La-avoseynu Ba-yyomim Ho-heym Ba-zzman Ha-zze.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who wrought miracles for our fathers in days of old, at this season.

Third Blessing

Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-hekheyonu Ve-kiymonu Ve-higgi'onu La-zzman Ha-zze.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive, and has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this time.

The blessings are lovely.

From the comments in 2008:

Rhonda Renée said...

Thank you for honoring our Jewish friends by posting the Hanukkah blessings.

Traditionally all three blessings are recited the first night and only the first two on subsequent nights.

Blessings from

Reposted from 2008.


The scene is sometime in the old era when cockpits had round dials plus flight engineers and navigators. The crusty old-timer captain is breaking in a brand-new navigator.

The captain opens his briefcase, pulls out a .38 pistol and rests it on the glare panel.

He asks the navigator, "Know what this is for?"

"No, sir," replies the newbie.

"I use it on navigators that get us lost," explains the captain, winking at his first officer.

The navigator then opens HIS briefcase, pulls out a .45 and sets it on his chart table.

"What's THAT for?" queries the surprised captain.

"Well, sir," replies the navigator, "I'll know we're lost before you will."

Don't blame me. Blame Paul (A.)

Picture from Props, Pistons, Old Jets.....


"Christ of Compassion" icon by Tobias Haller.

No words are necessary. Read the icon.

Tobias says, "I'm pleased to report that one of my icons, "Christ of Compassion" is included in the online Advent exhibition of The Episcopal Church and the Visual Arts, Seeking + Serving."

Tobias blogs at In a Godward Direction.


Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori letter:

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

On the first day of December, people around the world pause to remember World AIDS Day. Christians remember all who live with HIV and AIDS, and all who have died, at the same time we begin the season of Advent. We search for a healer and a hope-giver as we prepare for the coming of the Redeemer. One of the traditional prophetic readings for the season says:

While gentle silence enveloped all things,
and night in its swift course was now half gone,
[God's] all-powerful word leaped from heaven, from the royal throne,
into the midst of the land that was doomed. [Wisdom 18:14-15, NRSV]

The magnificent contrasts of this ancient vision – silence pierced by the Word, doom cast out by new life – seem a fitting frame for reflecting on the challenges and opportunities confronting us on World AIDS Day 2010.

Read the rest at Episcopal News Service.

Archbishop of Canterbury's 2010 World Aids Day Message

Prayer For Persons With HIV/AIDS
By Stephen Helmreich

O Lord Jesus, Healer of our every ill, during your ministry you cured those who suffered from both the disease and the stigma of leprosy. Now we confront the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Today, as before, support and heal all people living with the disease, comfort those who have lost friends or lovers, strengthen and encourage families, caregivers and activists in their daily tasks, guide doctors and researchers on their quest, lead politicians and governments to policies of compassion, and enlighten those whose hearts are filled with prejudice, hate, and error. Amen.

Prayer from The Daily Office.

Image from Wikipedia.


From Mark at Enough About Me:

First thing at work tonight, I found out that, as of midnight, the company we work for is officially done. The bank takes the property at midnight.

After that . . . who knows who will work for whom.

Just finished the last audit for the company.

Who knows what tomorrow brings. It seems that we have our jobs at current rate of pay, for now, but no one is sure what the bank or it's yet-to-contact-us management company are going to do.

I'm really scared.

I don't even know where I've got my resume stored! Not that it will matter - they can't fire you for having two government garnishments, but no company has to hire you, either. I have no transportation of my own. The whole thing is - disaster. Can you even get unemployment if the company you worked for no longer exists? If not, then I'm done. I can't "move in" with anyone without it delaying the inevitable.

I realize that nothing is finalized yet. We don't know what is going to happen.

I don't trust fate, nor do I believe hard work pays off. Ask James about hard work and how well he's been rewarded.

If the worst happens, I'll hear, "Well, that place was holding you back. There's a whole world out there. You can grow, achieve more! Be great! Live in a happening place!"

Problem is, I don't want any of that - never really have.


O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light rises up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in your light we may see light, and in your straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Book of Common Prayer)