Friday, December 10, 2010


Nearly every blogger I know has posted the wonderful video, so I'll take my turn. Thanks to all who sent me the link.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Genuine Roman Pottery Tile Fragment With Dog Footprint

The item is available until Dec. 11.

Thanks to Lapin.


From The Huffington Post:

LONDON — In Britain's worst political violence in years, furious student protesters rained sticks and rocks on riot police, vandalized government buildings and attacked a car carrying Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, after lawmakers approved a controversial hike in university tuition fees.

Demonstrators set upon the heir to the throne's limousine as it drove through London's West End shopping and entertainment hub. Protesters who had been running amok and smashing shop windows kicked and threw paint at the car, which sped off.

Charles' office, Clarence House, confirmed the attack but said "their royal highnesses are unharmed."

Police said it was unclear whether the royals had been deliberately targeted, or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The couple arrived looking composed at the London Palladium theater, where they were attending a Royal Variety Performance. Their Rolls Royce limousine was left with a badly cracked rear window and was spattered with paint.

Protesters erupted in anger after legislators in the House of Commons approved a plan to triple university fees to 9,000 pounds ($14,000) a year.

The controversy has highlighted regional educational differences in the United Kingdom.

The Welsh regional government has pledged to subsidize the higher fees for any student from Wales who enrolls at an English university. Student fees in Scotland are just 1,820 pounds per year, sparking fears of a future stampede of bargain-hunting students from England. Northern Ireland's fees are capped at 3,290 pounds a year.

Tripling the fees from £3000 to £9000 is a hefty increase - very worrying for students and their families. Protests are fine, but violence is wrong and counterproductive, in my opinion.


From Pink News:

Fred Phelps' gang will picket Elizabeth Edwards' funeral service, because:

She was a supporter of gay rights and in 2008, while her husband was running for the presidency, declared that she believed in legalising gay marriage.

The church...released a statement condemning her for having fertility treatment and for questioning her faith after her 16-year-old son Wade was killed in an accident.

Westboro Baptist Church needs a name-change to Westboro Church of Stony Hearts or Westboro Church of No Mercy.


As I perused my J. Peterman Owner's Manual, the item above caught my eye, not for myself, but as suitable especially for formal wear for clergy women. Picture the Cutaway Tuxedo Blazer, at $249, with a fine black silken clergy shirt, and fashionable black silk trousers in fabric of a heavier texture, and a clergy collar with a row of small, discreet rhinestones. Voila! The perfect formal attire for the dangerous clergy woman.

Since I believe in inclusivity, I'd not wish to restrict the wearing of the Cutaway Tuxedo Blazer to clergy woman. Without the clergy shirt and collar, the blazer is suitable for any of us dangerous women, as the manual says, "with a lacy cami underneath".

Wait! Is there such a garment as a as a lacy clergy shirt? How about black lace over black silk? If no such shirt is to be had, make your own, or have your seamstress do the job, and be the first to wear the lacy, silky clergy shirt for dangerous clergy women, along with the rhinestone-studded collar, topped off with the Cutaway Tuxedo Blazer.


Thanks to Ann.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The Belle Verrière (c.1180 and 1225)

The Writer's Almanac, with Garrison Keiller, posted a lovely poem titled "Chartres" by Glenn Shea. You may want to have a look. I think you won't be sorry.

Image from Wikipedia.


December 7, 2010: Big meeting with the neurologist team today at 9. Get her MRI results back and am so nervous about it, my stomach is in knots. Keep wondering why they would call a meeting to go over it. They've never done that before. Does it mean bad news, good news or what??---Mike

December 8, 2010: Okay, there has been some speculation as to what's up with the second opinions and so forth and what's going on. Aileen's MRI results came back yesterday and no, the results were not good. The stroke areas are slightly more profuse and the hemorrhage in the back of her brain is still bleeding. RCRH doctors feel that she is right now as good as she will ever get with little or no hope for future gains in her abilities. She is able to communicate through hand squeezing. So we are looking for a second and perhaps a third opinion and will continue to pursue other avenues of treatment for her, including perhaps taking her to Denver to a specialized stroke and brain injury center. A recommendation of this nature has severely shaken my confidence in her doctors and will look at all other options.---Mike

Continued prayers requested for this wonderful young woman, mother, wife.---Sally Boyd

Sally Boyd is the priest who is ministering to Aileen and Mike.

May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body, save your soul, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries the health of Aileen may be promoted and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer)

O God, give to Mike and all who watch and wait with Aileen strength and courage during this difficult time. Surround them with your presence in the power of your Holy Spirit that they may trust in your everlasting love.

We pray for Sally as she stands with Aileen and Mike. Give her gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as she ministers to Mike and Aileen. Fill her with strength in the power of your Spirit. We pray in the name of your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


The US Senate is scheduled to vote on ending "Don't ask, don't tell" tonight. Please call your senators and ask them to vote to end DADT. Call even if you think you know they will not vote to end the ridiculous, discriminatory policy, which harms rather than helps the performance of our military.

UPDATE: TPM says no vote tonight. Call your senators anyway. I suppose it's best to wait until their offices open tomorrow.


This year, the southern city's garbage crisis has become a recurring theme among the artists and craftsmen along the street, which is barely three meters wide.

And so it came to pass that the Madonna, St. Joseph and even the baby Jesus wear face masks to protect themselves from the stench of the uncollected garbage in Naples.

"I meant this to be a provocation to those who govern us. I don't think it's nice to put sacks of garbage in the manger near the baby Jesus but it was necessary," said Di Virgilio.

"We needed to get this message across," he said.

Gets your attention, all right. It seems the stench and sight of the garbage was not enough to get the mess cleaned up, although, according to the article, the historic city center is now clean. But surrounding neighborhoods are still piled with garbage.

From Reuters, which has as the main part of its story:

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may be alone in jail in London, but in the traditional Neapolitan Christmas creches he is in good company -- with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Assange, who is depicted holding his trusty lap top, was created by Gennaro Di Virgilio, who each year chooses at least one contemporary character to sculpt and place near the scenes of the traditional story of Jesus' birth in a manger.

"I included him to poke a little fun at the world and have a good time," said Di Virgilio, 29, whose family has been making nativity statuettes and ornate creches since 1830.

To me, the story of the Holy Family wearing face masks is far more fascinating.