Thursday, March 10, 2011


Kirstin at Barefoot and Laughing:

Who really gets time to plan their own ritual of dying? Who is conscious that every time they do something, it could be the last time they experience it? Who lives constantly with a greeting in their mouth, and goodbye in the back of their mind?

Me. And I’m still navigating how to do this gracefully.

Read the rest at Kirstin's blog.

From JCF:
I've heard from Cath's sister:
Cath is still in a pretty critical situation. We (family, docs, hospital staff) are still working to get her fully stabilized. She is still dealing with severe pain -- tho' that is getting a bit better -- but she has serious issues with lower limb weakness, lack of feeling in her hands and transient mini "seizures.". The diagnosis of what went wrong is not complete yet but none of the potential options are good.

I will provide updates as we find out more. If there is anything special you would like to share with her, please post it and I will give her the message(s). Again many thanks to all of you.

PLEASE continue to pray for Cath, her family, and all her many, many friends..

The latest update from our parishioner, Linda, who is now in Zambia, is that she is alert and aware, that she has a person caring for her, and that she is able to obtain pain medication. Please continue your prayers for Linda.

For Kirstin, Cathy, and Linda:
May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your bodies, save your souls, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.


Just thought I'd stop and let you and everyone know I didn't get the job with the retailer I applied for. Instead I am working in a music store surrounded by beautiful guitars, banjos, mandolins and fiddles. That is so much more wonderful than I could have hoped for! Thank you all for your prayers.

Dave aka Arkansas Hillbilly

Thanks be to God and to all who prayed. It's time we had good news!


A sign in Hazelton, BC (so says Doug).


Are you traveling light on the earth?

By Katharine Jefferts Schori, March 08, 201
The Episcopal Church observes Lent in solidarity with Christians throughout the ages. Lent has anciently been understood as a time of solidarity with those who are to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. It's a time to focus on prayer and study and fasting, and in some traditions, almsgiving. Each of those, when done in solidarity with those preparing to be baptized, is an invitation for us to deepen our own Christian spiritual practice.

I would encourage you this year to expand the realm of that practice; to think about your solidarity with those who walk the way of Christ, with those who walk the way of Jesus, in particular concern for those beyond your local community.

We have a remarkable calling in this era to think about our relationships not only with other Christians, but with other human beings across this planet, and indeed with the rest of creation. Perhaps you might focus your Lenten discipline this year in attention to how you live on this earth.

Do you live like the Son of Man, who travels continuously with never a place to lay his head? Who doesn't carry two bags or an extra lunch or an extra pair of sandals? That is what he encouraged his disciples to do, to travel light.

Are you traveling light on this earth?

Consider as you live through each day, how you use water, how you use fuel, how you use electricity, and how you use the food that is a gift.

If each of us is able to thoughtfully enter into a more compassionate concern for the blessings of creation, it will change the way in which human beings as a species impact this earth.

I heard at the Primates Meeting recently, from the Primate of Polynesia, a very agonized conversation about the plight of his people on low-lying islands in the South Pacific, which are rapidly disappearing beneath the rising sea level. That rising sea level is the result of the way in which wealthier parts of this human population use energy.

We hear about the concerns of people in Africa who find corn too expensive to buy for food because we are using it here to produce ethanol so we can drive our cars.

The way in which we use our resources is a spiritual matter. The way in which we live on this earth is a matter of faithfulness. Can we act in solidarity with those who are preparing to enter this community and do so more thoughtfully and in a more compassionate way that considers all of God's creation?

I invite you to a blessed and holy Lent, to a Lent of prayer and study and compassion through almsgiving and fasting.

-- The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori is presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church.

From Episcopal News Service.


In a previous post, I linked to the story of LK, who refused surgery for cervical cancer for religious reasons, but was to be forced by court order to undergo a radical hysterectomy against her will.

From the ABA Journal:
Under legal standards for informed consent, an adult who is mentally competent generally has a constitutional right to refuse medical treatment, even treatment that would be life-saving.

The state supreme court...stayed the court order requiring the hysterectomy and provided for the emergency appeal to proceed.

“Normally, we don’t force treatment on adults. Competent adults can refuse even lifesaving treatments on religious terms,” Arthur Caplan of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics tells the Missoulian. “The challenge is to establish that they truly are incompetent and that they really do comprehend the risk posed to their life.”

Exactly. The stay is the proper ruling. The burden of proof falls on those who say LK is incompetent.

Thanks to Paul (A.) for the link.


From Discovery News:
Elephants recently aced a test of their intelligence and ability to cooperate, with two of them even figuring out ways that the researchers hadn't previously considered to obtain food rewards.

The study, published in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, highlights not only the intelligence of individual elephants, but also the ability of these animals to cooperate and understand the value of teamwork.

Scientists now believe elephants are in league with chimpanzees and dolphins as being among the world's most cognitively advanced animals.

"Elephant sociality is very complex," lead author Joshua Plotnik told Discovery News. "Social groups are made up of matriarchal herds (an older female is in charge), and varying levels of relatedness among members. Cooperation in elephants was most likely necessary in a context of communal care for, and protection of, young."

"In the wild, there are fascinating anecdotes of elephants working together to lift or help fallen members, and forming clusters to protect younger elephants," added Plotnik, a Cambridge University researcher who is also head of research at Thailand's Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation.

Note that "an older female is in charge". The elephants are smart, all right. Humans could learn a few things from them.
A total of 12 male and female elephants from the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang, Thailand, participated. It's estimated that fewer than 2,500 of these animals are left in the Thai jungle, so conservation efforts now are critical.

And what if the cognitively advanced elephants, chimps, and dolphins leagued up against us? Alas, there are too many of us and not enough of them left due to the depredations by humans upon the noble animals and their habitats.
Two elephants, named Neua Un and JoJo, even figured out how to outwit the researchers.

"We were pleasantly surprised to see the youngest elephant, Neua Un, use her foot to hold the rope so that her partner had to do all the work," Plotnik said. "I hadn't thought about this beforehand, and Neua Un seemed to figure it out by chance, but it speaks volumes to the flexibility of elephant behavior that she was able to figure this out and stick to it."

Read the entire story of the elephants learning to accomplish their purpose through cooperation. Since I saw the account of the experiment in my local paper a few days ago, the intelligent elephants remained in my mind. It seems to me that the majestic beasts already knew how to cooperate. They simply learned a new task.

Because of our hubris and arrogance, humans will have much to account for.



With respect to the alleged continuing cover-up of child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, the hierarchy seems to fear that acceptance of their own humanity and full admission of responsibility for their mistakes in response to child abuse will result in the collapse of the entire edifice of their church.

(Thanks to Wade, who inspired the thought by his words in an email.)


I don't think of it as working for world
peace, she said. I think of it as just
trying to get along in a really big strange

From StoryPeople.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


From CNN:

Twenty-one priests have been placed on administrative leave following a review of suspected child sexual abuse by members of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, according to a statement from the city's archbishop.

The church investigated 37 priests identified in a grand jury report as remaining in "active ministry with credible allegations of child sexual abuse," according to Cardinal Justin Rigali.

In addition to the 21 announced Tuesday, three other priests have already been placed on administrative leave after the report was released in February, Rigali said.

Last week, three Philadelphia priests and a parochial school teacher were charged with raping and assaulting boys in their care, while a former official with the Philadelphia Archdiocese was accused of allowing the abusive priests to have access to children, the city's district attorney's office said.

CNN Senior Vatican Analyst John Allen said the charges against the former church official appeared to be unprecedented and could have national implications.

Monsignor William Lynn, who served as the secretary for clergy for the under then-Philadelphia Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua, was charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child in connection with the alleged assaults, Williams said.

The church investigated after the names of the priests were released in a grand jury report. And before the report from the grand jury, did the church know nothing of the allegations against the priests?
The grand jury believed that more than 30 priests have remained in ministry in Pennsylvania despite solid, credible allegations of abuse, Williams said.

Rigali had initially challenged that claim.

The charges against the three priests are sickening to read. And finally someone who participated in an alleged cover-up is charged. It's about time! It's way past time! I'd imagine that right about now, a number of people who participated in cover-ups around the country are running scared.

What led me to leave the Roman Catholic Church was not the crimes of abuse, horrific as they were and are, but the cover-up by presumably sane leaders who believed protecting the institution from scandal was more important than protecting innocent children and teenagers. And it seems the necessary lessons have not yet been learned even today, which nearly makes my head explode.

Lord, have mercy.

H/T to Ann Fontaine at The Lead for the link.