beloved Giants
Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Risen indeed!
as early as it may be in the Easter season, it's one which already seems to be bringing prayer requests and personal stories into my life on every side, so of course i thought and gave thanks for each one of you- individually, once again mindful of the great blessing of being able to share the trust these individuals have placed in us to carry them in our hearts and uphold them in prayer and practice.
for F, a young man who within the last 24 was grieviously assaulted and raped. D was discovered by one of ours- an awesome priest who was in the ER for another one of ours, when F heard them talking and called through the curtain, asking if one of them might be priest. my dear sister writes of finding F 'totally undone, physically and spiritually.'
for Kirstin and the ongoing Good Friday she is living with multiple cancers at Barefoot and Laughing (By Mimi: Kirstin posted again just this morning.)
for dear Joel, who has been hospitalized yet again in Virginia, and for his beloved, my cherished sister margaret
for my cherished cousin Frank, who spent this Easter bed-bound and breathing-compromised, but in great spirits nonetheless when he phoned Mam Easter afternoon
for Jacques, who continues to make incredible recovery from a pancreatic cancer which was 'supposed' to have killed him last December
for Scott M. and his mother- Scott is only 19 and is terrfied and staggering under a bi-polar diagnosis just last week.
for Timothy S, one of God's walking wounded and challenged, and his Mom
for a cherised sister called to priesthood who appear to be experiencing a mother of a dark night
for David H, a pastor, currently finding himself in exile from his denomination
for Doreen G. walking the path of alzheimers and about to celebrate another birthday
travel mercies for a truly beloved brother, Paul, with Bill in Italy this Eastertide
for Anne undergoing cancer and her sister Jane, both in CA; and their parents Bob and Isobel here in Montreal
for Daniella,
for the repose of Mary P, and her family
for the repose of dear Rosemary; for David her husband and two sons experiencing their first Easter without their incredible mom
for the people of Syria and Lybia- not only for the overthrow of their tyrants and the healing of Lybian and Syrian life, but that the leaders in the West will have the grace and wisdom to know that something transformatively larger is going on within Islam and that the West can aid and support but not take control if Islam is to truly grow up.
having just caught up with the blogs of several of my online siblings in Christ I'm also calling down blessings on m, J, B, J, E&B, M& P, G& M, P&B, F&M, E&D, J&T, J&+M and would urge you all to give yourself a real treat and visit Elizabeth's blog for the story of the bubblegum Easter Egg. One day Ms. Conroy and I will actually meet, and I swear Montreal will never be the same by the time the two of us have finished with it!
thank-you again my beloved Giants of prayer and practice. as one beloved sister reminded me today, 'we know God, is good Easter is longer than Lent!'
love always-always Love
Prayers from me for all, David.