Saturday, June 18, 2011


Yesterday from Göran's Facebook friend:
Hello good friends of Goran, we have talked a few minutes ago over the phone,and he told me tomorrow he will be online,i feel for him,but we always say may the will of God be done,i hope he will update much than what i can do. Blessing be to everyone.

That would be today, but nothing yet from Göran himself. I'll watch, and if you see a word from Göran himself, please let me know.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Tuxedo kitteh on the keys

Tabby kitteh on the strings (almost)

Will the little plant make it?

The larger plant will make it.

The tree will survive, but will the kitteh?

Thanks to Doug.


As I was cleaning out my "Documents" files, I came across these quotes from Dorothy Day, the founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, which I had saved some time ago. Her words seem very wise today.

Dorothy Day on the "undeserving poor":
The Catholic Worker attitude toward those who were welcomed wasn't always appreciated. These weren't the "deserving poor," it was sometimes objected, but drunkards and good-for-nothings. A visiting social worker asked Day how long the "clients" were permitted to stay. "We let them stay forever," Day answered with a fierce look in her eye. "They live with us, they die with us, and we give them a Christian burial. We pray for them after they are dead. Once they are taken in, they become members of the family. Or rather they always were members of the family. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ."

Dorothy Day on the works of mercy:
If I did not believe, if I did not make what is called an act of faith (and each act of faith increases our capacity for faith), if I did not have faith that the works of mercy do lighten the sum total of suffering in the world, so that those who are suffering in this ghastly struggle somehow mysteriously find their pain lifted and some balm of consolation poured on their wounds — if I did not believe these things, the problem of evil would indeed be overwhelming.

The website of The Catholic Worker has further information on Dorothy Day.


Click on the image for the larger view of the stars of the Republican circus.

Mark Mosely at The Lens has the scoop.
Before the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference opening event Thursday, a delegate began chatting with me about the conference. She explained that she was a “Mitt Romney girl.” She pointed to the photo of the former Massachusetts governor on the cover of the Liberty Today newspaper. Presidential candidate, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., also graced the May 2011 cover.

“Wouldn’t they make a good-looking ticket?” the delegate asked me in an eastern Pennsylvanian accent.

“Oh sure,” I agreed.

“Of course any of [the GOP nominees] would be better than the goofball we have in the White House now.” Then she leaned over and confessed: “I don’t like chocolate candy.”

The exchange took place in the morning and set the mood for Mark for the jollity that was to follow.
The afternoon session began no less awkwardly. Republican Party of Louisiana Chairman Roger Villere walked onstage in a white suit while “Fanfare for the Common Man” played. Villere asked everyone to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance, but no flag was on the stage or on the video screens. I’d brought a small flag and was about to offer it, but Villere quickly suggested that attendees could pledge allegiance to the tiny flag pin on his suit lapel.

As they say, you can't make this stuff up.

Roger Villere in his white (linen?) suit oozes Uptown New Orleans, and "common man" is not the first words that leap to mind when I think of Villere.

And no flag?!! How can this be?!! At most Republican gatherings, the stage is lined with more flags than you can count. Methinks someone or someones will pay a heavy price for the missing flags.

Read the rest of Mark's account. Imagine! He attended two circuses on one day.


My very own copy of the video by MadPriest
(inspired by Bishop Clumber) with images of our dear friend, Kirstin Paisley, set to music.

Your very own copy awaits you at YouTube.


Greece Offers to Repay Loans with Giant Horse

Steed Wheeled Into Brussels at Night

Read the rest at The Borowitz Report:

Image from Wikipedia.


Watch the video set to music of images of Kirstin Paisley by MadPriest at Of Course, I Could Be Wrong...

Thursday, June 16, 2011


...and read Kirstin's post at Barefoot and Laughing titled The right the right time.
A and I looked at each other, and we both teared up. We knew. And it was okay. I looked back at the doctor. I knew the words were mine to say: “Not in our hearts, really.” She, God bless her, cried with us. And she got us connected with a palliative care doctor, who is working with us until he can get us connected with hospice.

This is the care I need. This is the care I finally had the readiness, and the courage, to ask for. I’ve been fighting for three years. That’s enough. Just saying, “I want hospice,” gives me so much peace. I don’t need to fight to the bitter end. I don’t need to be a warrior anymore. I can let go as my body wants to, into as much comfort as possible.

Please visit Kirstin's blog and read her beautiful and eloquent words which come straight from her heart.
Kirstin, may God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body, save your soul, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

We pray, O Lord, for those whom you have called to care for Kirstin, especially Andee. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their loving ministries Kirstin may be comforted and her suffering alleviated. Grant, O Lord, your peace that surpasses understanding to Kirstin and her caregivers, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

PS: I love the picture of Kirstin. I hope she likes it, because I use it over and over.


From the Baton Rouge Advocate:
A state Senate committee Wednesday rejected legislation that would erect a 10 Commandments monument on the State Capitol grounds.

Some members of the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee expressed concerns that House Bill 277 would lead to litigation.

"These are tight times. I'd rather spend money on services than litigation," said state Sen. Lydia Jackson, D-Shreveport.

The Louisiana House passed the bill to erect the monument, and the Louisiana Senate killed the bill. The state budget is stretched thin; worthy programs are being cut or eliminated. We surely don't need to spend money on building a monument to the 10 commandments or on litigation over the monument once it's built. I laughed at the headline in the print copy of the newspaper, which was written by a person with a sense of humor:

All right!


From Bishop Michael Ingham of the Diocese of New Westminster in the Anglican Church of Canada:
Supreme Court Denies Leave to Appeal
Statement by the Bishop of New Westminster

Thursday, June 16, 2011 the Supreme Court of Canada released its Decision refusing Leave to Appeal from the November, 2010 decision of the BC Court of Appeal. At that time, the Court of Appeal upheld the Trial judgment which found that the four parish properties under dispute are to be held in trust by the Diocese of New Westminster for those who wish to worship in the Anglican Church of Canada. We are thankful that the litigation launched against the Diocese of New Westminster is now at an end.

The money, time, and energy taken up by this long and unnecessary conflict can now be directed back to the real work of the Church.

We are, and continue to be, respectful of genuine differences of conviction among faithful Christians. In a spirit of mutual respect, it is now time to move forward together.

No member of any congregation in this Diocese need leave the buildings in which they worship. However, the clergy who have left the Anglican Church of Canada must now leave their pulpits. I will work with these congregations to find suitable and mutually acceptable leaders, so that the mission of the Church may continue in these places.

I pray that in time these sad divisions may be healed.

The Right Reverend Michael Ingham
Bishop of New Westminster

Report from CTV.

Thanks to Janet for the links.