Tuesday, December 20, 2011


In this house, I pronounce --Advent is over, our waiting is accomplished. We have a new birth, a living hope --an inheritance imperishable --not in silver or gold --by no means... but a holy invitation to join a people in ministry --a new life, a new way...
Read the rest at leave it lay where Jesus flang it. May God bless margaret and Joel as they venture to a new place to begin a new chapter in their faith walk. I am more pleased for them than I can say.

Halleluia! Praise the Lord!


Antiphon sung by the Dominican student brothers at Blackfriars in Oxford.

December 20

O Clavis David, et sceptrum domus Israel;
qui aperis, et nemo claudit; claudis, et nemo aperit:
veni, et educ vinctum de domo carceris, sedentem in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

O Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel,
that openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth,
come to liberate the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.
Isaiah 22:22
I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David;
he shall open, and no one shall shut;
he shall shut, and no one shall open.
Text from Fish Eaters.

Reposted from last year, and the year before and.... The O Antiphons are now a tradition at Wounded Bird.

Monday, December 19, 2011


This week it was US first lady Michelle Obama meeting Father Christmas at a children's hospital in Washington.

Thanks to all who entered. The prize of a small amount of kudos to the following:

6. Ade:
December 26: Santa declares "mission accomplished".

5. David Finch:
Look lady, I don't care who your husband is. There's too much security at your house for even me to deliver presents without anyone noticing.

4. cmaslen:
No, trust me Barack. It's a good career move. This is one change we can believe in.

3. Vicky S:
"Actually my husband is interested in setting up an Elf Service. Have you got any tips?"

2. Sean241160:
"No really, I'm serious. Newt Gingrich asked for all the Harry Potter books."

1. Lynn:
Michelle saw right through Bill Clinton's disguise and, no, she wasn't going to sit on his lap.
Yes, one of our own. I haven't worked out which caption I like best, yet.

Thanks to themethatisme for the link. I'm guessing this is my Christmas present and wondering why theme doesn't post on his blog more often.


From an editorial in the Northern Echo:
IT is our fervent view at The Northern Echo that concluding a deal to save the historic Zurbaran paintings in Auckland Castle is crucial to the future prosperity of Bishop Auckland.

How else will the County Durham town find a way to have its own heritage tourist attraction – for that is what the castle and its grounds could be, with the Zurbarans as the centrepiece?

Without Jonathan Ruffer’s offer to invest £15m to make that a reality, the Zurbarans will almost certainly go abroad and the castle lost as a public asset.

Mr Ruffer has today told The Northern Echo that he is willing to “put a lot more money in” to break the deadlock that has developed between himself and the Church Commissioners who are selling the paintings.

It seems to us that Mr Ruffer has been more than generous in trying to save this important North-East heritage.
From Riazat Butt in the Guardian:
To Durham, where there is not much in the way of festive cheer now a £15m art deal has bitten the dust, and a fascinating insight into the Church of England, power and politics.

While the sale appeared to be on shaky ground for some time, the story has sprouted legs thanks to a remarkable and revealing article from banker and would be art-buyer Jonathan Ruffer, who blows the whistle in the latest edition of the Church Times on his spat with the Church Commissioners, who manage the Church of England's investment portfolio, and its top dog, Andreas Whittam Smith. Yes - that one.
From an interview with Jonathan Ruffer in The Northern Echo:
But today, the Church Times – the leading weekly Anglican magazine – carries a remarkable article by Mr Ruffer in which he says the two leading commissioners, Andreas Whittam Smith and Andrew Brown, are “decent men who have gone wrong” who have “torpedoed” the deals for the Zurbarans and the castle and so have delivered “two slaps in the face for County Durham”.

He says: “Andreas Whittam Smith is by nature a buccaneer: quick to offer the hand of friendship, decisive and brave. He generously accepted an apology for a remark I made which had hurt him.

“Andrew Brown is a very different character, the antithesis of the smutty joke: he is wholesome, serious, and dutiful.

He would make an excellent minor royal.

“Yet these men have managed to torpedo two deals, to the detriment of one of the neediest regions of the UK.”

Mr Ruffer paints a colourful picture of Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, becoming involved in the debate. He writes: “I witnessed last month the Primate of All England pleading for the future of the castle.

The Archbishop pleading; Andreas untouchable, untouched.”

Mr Ruffer told the Echo he was defending his reputation with the article. He said: “I am explaining how someone can give a £15m gift and then go back on it – that seems a dishonourable thing to do and I look cowardly and untrustworthy.”

The Right Reverend Justin Welby, the new Bishop of Durham, said: “Both the Church Commissioners and Mr Ruffer are very committed to trying to make this work and benefit the area. I’m very grateful that they have agreed to meet me next week to discuss issues, and I am hopeful that progress can be made.”
MadPriest, who sent me the latest links to the story, says:
This looks like turning into a rather nasty baptism of fire for the new bishop. And he doesn't even get to live in the palace.
All right. Why do I care about the Zurbarán paintings in Auckland? For one thing, I spent quite a large number of British pounds on taxi fare to go from my hotel to the town of Bishop Auckland, which is a bit off the beaten path, to visit the castle, in particular to see the paintings of the partiarchs. Here's what I said in my post on my visit to Auckland Castle.
Ever since I heard of their possible sale and removal from their home setting, I've wanted to see the paintings, and my wish was realized. I was able to view the paintings in their proper setting, which was a memorable experience. The paintings and the dining room are indeed impressive. I was thrilled when I heard the news that Ruffer had stepped forward to make it possible for the paintings to remain in place in the dining room at the castle, where they had been since 1756.
Feeling blue. The row over Auckland Castle isn't helping the church in its ancient diocese, centred on Durham Cathedral, shown here during the city's Lumiere festival. Photograph: Gary Calton at the Guardian.

Photo at the head of the post from the Church Times.


From this Story of the Day:
Can you prove any of the stuff you
believe in? my son asked me & when I
said that's not how belief works, he
nodded & said that's what he thought
but he was just checking to make sure he
hadn't missed a key point.
To an exchange in the comments:

The Annunciation - Botticelli
Grandmère Mimi said...

What if I say I believe the story happened, but I can't prove it? What if I say I believe because it's a lovely story?

My evidence is in my heart, in my change from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. My evidence is how I live my life because I believe the story. Not that I'm good or holy, because I'm not, but that I'm a far better person because I believe the story. The story changed my life. That is my evidence.


Murdoch Matthew said...

Everything in our minds is story -- we understand and remember through language. The lives we live, the things we do, these are reality. You've got that right.

I think that good people reflect credit on their traditions more than that they are products of the tradition. The best priest I ever knew, one who drew me and many others to the Episcopal Church by his example, was (I came to realize) a product of his German Lutheran youth. There are good people in all traditions -- and none. Whatever happened in the past happened -- NOW is the time we live in.
Adoration of the Shepherds - Caravaggio

Thanks to Ann for the 'Adoration of the Shepherds'. I had already decided to use the painting in the post, but she confirmed my decision. Great minds....


From the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island:
Dear Bishop Provenzano,

Yesterday some troubled the waters and I got in. For me it was not premeditated. In fact Rev. Michael Sniffen and I were clear that for each of us it would be a choice we made on our own, with no pressure from the other.

I feel that being in solidarity with the Occupy movement, with its desperate need for outdoor space along with the pressure it was under through systematic oppression before Nov. 15, combined with the dispersal that took place (in concert with 18 mayors around the nation and homeland security): all this necessitated such a move of conscience. As I crossed property boundaries that many in the church seem to believe are inviolable, I believe a full explanation for my motives and actions in conformity to the vows I took upon ordination as Priest, as well as in my being a public citizen are in order:

On the OWS movements: the power of these movements is precisely their transgressive nature. While non- violence is the primary mode of gathering and demonstrating --I have never once seen a protester strike anyone anytime-- the occupation at Liberty Square/Zuccotti and the general heart of the movement is a kind of ongoing non-violent act of civil disobedience performed in love. Before the dispersal from Liberty/Zucccotti, we experienced a space wherein hope for real change for all was being performed and spread. It was no domesticated affair, no sanctioned public conversation; evidenced by the constant threat of eviction, the 24 hour police presence and the well documented police harassment, violations of private assembly and surveillance (see the newly minted Defense Authorization Act as a sad continuation). If we are uncomfortable with transgression, and I think we always are in some way, I submit we are not conformable to the mode and actions of Jesus. We may not be able to be able to live in that liberated space at all times; I know we find it so hard, but it is real and needs honoring. It follows that we (I know I am) always grasping, always incomplete, always in the dark, are groping for the hand of the spirit to help us find the door to that space. That is where I am: groping in that dark.

See more.

Yours faithfully, John Merz
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen

The Reverend John Merz
Diocesan Missioner to Greenpoint and Williamsburg
Please read it all.


Antiphon sung by the Dominican student brothers at Blackfriars in Oxford.

December 19

O Radix Jesse, qui stas in signum populorum,
super quem continebunt reges os suum,
quem Gentes deprecabuntur:
veni ad liberandum nos, jam noli tardare.

O Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign of the people,
at Whom the kings shall shut their mouths,
Whom the Gentiles shall seek,
come to deliver us, do not tarry.
Isaiah 11:1, 11:10
A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse,
and a branch shall grow out of his roots.

On that day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples; the nations shall inquire of him, and his dwelling shall be glorious.
Text from Fish Eaters.

Reposted from last year, and the year before...as a tradition.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


From Trinity Wall Street:
We are saddened that OWS protestors chose to ignore yesterday’s messages from Archbishop Tutu, from the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, and from Bishop of New York Mark S. Sisk. Bishop Tutu said: “In a country where all people can vote and Trinity’s door to dialogue is open, it is not necessary to forcibly break into property.” The Presiding Bishop said: “Other facilities of Trinity continue to be open to support the Occupy movement, for which I give great thanks. It is regrettable that Occupy members feel it is necessary to provoke potential legal and police action by attempting to trespass on other parish property…I would urge all concerned to stand down and seek justice in ways that do not further alienate potential allies.” Bishop Sisk said: “The movement should not be used to justify breaking the law nor is it necessary to break into property for the movement to continue.”

The Rev. Dr. James H. Cooper, Rector of Trinity Church
Today I was wondering what was in the minds and hearts of the people at Trinity after they read the stories and saw the pictures and videos of the events at Duarte Square yesterday. Now I know. They are saddened.

I assume the folks at Trinity were saddened when they saw the pictures of Bishop Packard going over the fence, getting arrested, riding in the police van. They were saddened by Brook Packard's account of getting kneed three times by a policeman until she fell and then being lifted by another policeman and thrown on a pile of people. They were saddened when the police used excessive and unnecessary force against bystanders outside the fence looking on, not trespassing.

Bishop Packard is my hero. I will never forget the video of him stumbling over his magenta robe as he climbed the ladder to make it first over the fence. Several people nearby said they cried. How proud I am that he is a bishop in my Episcopal Church.

I am saddened, too, but for different reasons than the folks at Trinity. I am saddened that Trinity did not offer a place, a home, a refuge, to the Occupiers. I am saddened that Trinity did not ask the police to stand down.

Bishop Packard has written a must-read post on the events of yesterday at Occupied Bishop which I urge you to read.


People frequently begrudge something to others that they themselves cannot enjoy. Even though it does them no good, they won't let others have it. Listen to a fable about such an event. There was a wicked dog lying in a manger full of hay. When the cattle came and wanted to eat, the dog barred their way, baring his teeth. The cattle said to the dog, "You are being very unfair by begrudging us something we need which is useless to you. Dogs don't eat hay, but you will not let us near it."
The fable is not amongst the original Aesop's Fables, but rather appears in Steinhöwel's Esopus (c.1476).

From Wikipedia.


Diana snoozing on her L. L. Bean bed, of which she is extremely fond. These days, sleeping is the old girl's favorite 'activity'.

Diana stirring.

Diana awake. She will want to go outside. If it's daylight, she will visit her favorite haunts in our large back yard. When she goes out in the dark, she will pick a spot and stand there and bark...at what we don't know. She is deaf and has only one eye with very poor vision.