Monday, June 25, 2012


The following is a letter to the Times of London, (behind their paywall) from bishops, lay members of General Synod, and other prelates in the Church of England dissenting from the statement purporting to speak for "the Church" on the proposal to allow same-sex civil marriage in England. 

To: The Editor
The Times


A number of recent statements by church leaders past and present may have given the mistaken impression that the Church is universally opposed to the extension of civil marriage to same-sex couples. We believe that does not adequately reflect the range of opinion which exists within the Church of England.

Marriage is a robust institution which has adapted much over the centuries. It has moved beyond the polygamy of the Old Testament and preoccupation with social status and property in pre-Enlightenment times.

While the Prayer Book states that marriage was ordained first for ‘the procreation of children’ the modern marriage service begins by emphasising the quality of relationship between marriage partners ‘that they shall be united with one another in heart, body and mind.’

The Church calls marriage holy or sacramental because the covenant relationship of committed, faithful love between the couple reflects the covenanted love and commitment between God and his Church. Growing in this kind of love means we are growing in the image of God. So the fact that there are same-sex couples who want to embrace marriage should be a cause for rejoicing in the Christian Church.

We welcome current moves by the House of Bishops to consider again its view of civil partnerships and human sexuality. We hope this will lead to a recognition of God’s grace at work in same-sex partnerships and call on the Church to engage in theological discussion and prayerful reflection on the nature of marriage.

We also welcome recent reported statements by the Bishop of Salisbury and the new Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral calling on the Church to affirm same-sex couples who want to take on the commitment of marriage.

It is our belief that the Church of England has nothing to fear from the introduction of civil marriage for same-sex couples. It will be for the churches to then decide how they should respond pastorally to such a change in the law.


Canon Giles Goddard, General Synod, Southwark
The Very Rev Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans
The Rt Rev Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham
The Rt Rev Michael Doe
The Rt Rev John Gladwin
The Rt Rev Lord Harries of Pentregarth
The Rt Rev Peter Selby
The Rt Rev David Stancliffe
The Very Rev David Brindley, Dean of Portsmouth
The Very Rev Graham Smith, Dean of Norwich
The Very Rev Victor Stock, Dean of Guildford
Mrs April Alexander, General Synod, Southwark
The Rev Stephen Coles, General Synod, London
The Rev Clair Herbert, General Synod, London
Mr John Ward LLB, General Synod, London
Just one more reminder, amongst many, to us all and to the anonymous persons who put together the statement on same-sex civil marriage that, whoever they are, theirs are not the only opinions within  the Church of England.

H/T to Peter Owen at Thinking Anglicans.

Sunday, June 24, 2012



Don't blame me for the caption.  Blame Ann M on Facebook.

Picture from George Takei on Facebook.


Grab a cup of coffee

Go out on a  date
Relax at the  beach
Spend some time at the  museum
Dine out at your  favorite restaurant
Take a drive around  town

Not my generation, that's for sure.  I had to laugh the other day when I was at my son's house.  There I was with my two grandchildren, each of us focused on our techie toys.   There was no point in turning off my laptop, because no one would have talked to me anyway.  Well, I could have read a book.

Don't blame me.  Blame Doug.


She turned to me & whispered, don't you 
just love it when you get so excited you 
forget to breathe? & the thought of her 
smiling eyes still makes me laugh.
From StoryPeople.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


To help save the economy, the Government will announce 
next month that the Immigration Department will
 start deporting seniors instead of illegals

in order to lower Social Security
 and Medicare costs.

Older people are easier to catch and
will not remember how to get back home.

I started to cry when I thought of you.
Then it dawned on me ... oh, crap ....

I'll see you on the bus!

From that rascally Ann.  If Mitt is elected, don't be surprised...


I'd probably have more trouble with the 
ghosts of the past, she said, if my 
memory wasn't shot to hell.

From StoryPeople.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Support Our Presence at General Convention

Dear Coalition Supporter,

The No Anglican Covenant Coalition will send our moderator, Malcolm French, and me, our Episcopal Church convenor, to the 2012 General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. The convention begins in less than two weeks. Along with other Coalition members and friends, we will monitor the progress of Covenant-related resolutions and will lobby for The Episcopal Church to take a strong stand against the Anglican Covenant. We will also distribute buttons and brochures to convention bishops and deputies in support of our lobbying efforts.

For the first time, the No Anglican Covenant Coalition needs to solicit financial help in support of our efforts. To date, coalition members have run our operations on a shoestring, and some members have made significant personal sacrifices to enable us to oppose what we believe is a disastrous change in direction for the Anglican Communion.

Our presence at General Convention will be our most expensive undertaking so far, requiring funds for travel, lodging, meals, buttons, brochures, etc. We estimate that this project will cost more than $3,000 US. Your help is urgently needed. Please consider making a generous donation to this important effort.

The No Anglican Covenant Coalition is an unincorporated organization, and contributions are not tax-deductible. However, donations of $25 US or more will be acknowledged with our Yes to Communion button that we will be distributing at General Convention.

By making a donation through PayPal, anyone in the world can contribute to this effort. Note that I, as Episcopal Church convenor, am acting as treasurer, so you will see both the Coalition’s name and my own on the PayPal pages when you make your donation using the button at the bottom of this post.

Thank you for your support,
Lionel Deimel
NACC Covnenor for The Episcopal Church

Donate to NACC


Fr Ron is our priest-in-charge at St John.  Ron and his beautiful daughter Sarah performed a benefit concert with the proceeds from the admission charge going to help rebuild St Matthew's Episcopal Church in Houma, Louisiana.  The church was destroyed by fire last year, and the congregation is raising funds to rebuild.  The building was insured, but the insurance money is not sufficient to cover the cost of rebuilding.

We passed a good time with Sarah and Ron as they performed soul and blues music.  The father/daughter duo make a great team.  Both sing and play guitar, but, in the concert, Sarah was the main singer, with Ron as the main guitarist.  How 'bout Sarah's sassy stance in the photo?

Sarah sang the slow songs like "I Can't Help Falling in Love" and "To Love Somebody" beautifully, but I predict that her forte will be as a blues belter, and I told her so.  The woman standing next to me seemed surprised at my comment.  I think she didn't know what I was talking about, although she was a musician, but Sarah understood my words - or pretended she did - as the great compliment I meant them to be.  I especially liked "Voodoo Shoppe" and "Mean" and...  You know what?  I liked all the songs, and it's hard for me to pick out favorites.  Ron moonlights as a DJ and blogger for WWOZ, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Station.

Ron is a regular Renaissance man, for in his priestly duties, he does simple but excellent liturgy, and he gives damned good sermons...and without notes.  We are truly blessed to have him at St John.

Below is the list of songs that Sarah and Ron performed. 

Papa Don’t Preach
Voodoo Shoppe
Snake Bit Love
To Love Somebody
I will Survive
Can’t Help Falling in Love
Organ Donor’s March
Little Red Riding Hood
I’ve Been to Memphis
The Only Exception
My Medicine
World of Chances
Oh What a Night
Jenny (867-5309)


Mark Adams was the only defendant at the Monday trial of Occupiers who was sentenced to do prison time.  Occupied Bishop George Packard writes:
For as long as I’ve known of OWS there’s been Mark Adams. He's the poster person for this phenomenon coming from somewhere else after his home was swallowed up in foreclosure. There are other parts of his story he should tell you, not me. Those details add fuel to that motor of energy inside him of, “Why not justice? Why not now?” He said to me last week that he “came to join a social movement in Occupy and found a family instead.”

I think that discernment is what makes his representation in Occupy so compelling. When others might be drawing from personal agendas he fulfills what Jesus said of Nathanael in John’s Gospel, “Here is a man of no guile!” (John 1:47) By no design of his, circumstances around him drop pretense…like a court room revealing itself as nothing more than a star chamber so Trinity can collect rents and swagger. 

Even as I prepare to pick up trash at Tompkins Park for my days of community service I still breath the air in freedom but my sweet brother languishes behind bars where he has started a hunger strike “for all those who are unjustly imprisoned.” Even from jail Mark Adams beckons to our better selves.


Interaction between Guatemalan girl and tourist.  Sweet!

Chicago Christians at Gay Pride parade apologize for homophobia in the church

Sign at an awesome bookshop

Villager carrying stranded kittens to dry land during flood Cuttack City, India

See the rest of the pictures at BuzzFeed.  Please click the link; you won't be sorry.

Thanks to Paul (A.)