Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Disciplinary process set to begin on complaints against nine bishops:
[Episcopal News Service] Two complaints apparently have been filed about the involvement of five active bishops and four retired bishops in property litigation in two Episcopal Church dioceses.
Word of the complaints surfaced on various blogs and e-mail lists on June 30. No information about either complaint was released by the Episcopal Church, including the name or names of the complainants.

According to the reports, including an extensive one here, Bishop Clayton Mathews e-mailed two groups of bishops to tell them that he had received complaints against them and that “in the next few weeks” he would begin the disciplinary process as called for in Title IV.6.3-4 of the canons of the Episcopal Church.

It is highly unusual for the existence of a complaint to become public knowledge at this point in the process, regardless the order of the person against whom the complaint is filed.

“As cited in Title IV, disciplinary matters are confidential at this stage,” Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer Neva Rae Fox told Episcopal News Service July 2. “We are honoring that confidentiality.” (My emphasis)

In one instance, the complaint apparently concerns the fact that seven bishops endorsed an amicus curiae or “friend of the court” brief prepared by the Anglican Communion Institute, Inc. in the pending appeal of a court ruling involving the Diocese of Fort Worth and the bishop, clergy and laity who broke away from that diocese in November 2008.
The brief objects to the trial court’s ruling that told the dissidents to return “all property, as well as control of the diocesan corporation” to the Episcopal leaders of the diocese.

Those named in the Fort Worth complaint are retired Diocese of Texas Bishop Maurice M. Benitez, retired Diocese of Central Florida Bishop John W. Howe, Diocese of Dallas Bishop Suffragan Paul E. Lambert, Diocese of Albany Bishop William H. Love, Diocese of Western Louisiana Bishop D. Bruce MacPherson, Diocese of Springfield Bishop Daniel H. Martins, and Diocese of Dallas Bishop James M. Stanton.

MacPherson is also named in the other complaint, along with retired Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Edward L. Salmon, Jr. and retired Diocese of Springfield Bishop Peter H. Beckwith. Matthews e-mailed them to say that a complaint has been received against them because they signed affidavits opposing to a motion for summary judgment made by representatives of the Diocese of Quincy and the Episcopal Church in the fall of 2011 to secure diocesan financial assets from a group that broke from the diocese in November 2008.
Read the entire article at ENS.

At least we now know that the persons who handle complaints in the Episcopal Church did not make the information public.  I had not previously written about the complaint against the bishops about the affidavits in the Diocese of Quincy because...well, because I have a one-track mind, and I am only one person and can't cover everything.  Now you know.

H/T to Ann Fontaine at The Lead.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Walter Rauschenbusch
Rauschenbusch, a Baptist pastor and theologian, identified “social sins” Christ bore on the Cross: greed combined with political power; militarism; and class contempt.
Loving God, you call us to do justice and love kindness: we thank you for the witness of Walter Rauschenbusch, reformer of society; and we pray that, following his example of faithfulness to the Gospel, we may be ever mindful of the suffering of those who are poor and work diligently for the reform of our communities; through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


This post is a sort of clearinghouse for information from other sources on the complaint against the seven bishops who filed the amicus curiae brief in the court appeal concerning property in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth.  A friend sent me the link to George Conger at Anglican Ink.  The quote below is said to be from Bishop Matthews' letter:
“As the Intake Officer for the Church, I am obliged to inform you that a complaint has been received against you for your action in filing of Amicus Curiae Brief in the pending appeal in the Supreme Court of Texas in opposition to The Episcopal Diocese of Texas and The Episcopal Church. In the next few weeks, I will initiate a disciplinary process according to Title IV Canon 6 Sec. 3 & 4 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church,” Bishop F. Clayton Matthews wrote to the seven bishops.
George Conger did not name his source for the information in the letter.  Note that the quote mentions only "a complaint" and "a disciplinary process", and nothing about "charges".

Thanks to Jim Naughton at The Lead, this morning, I was directed to Bishop Dan Martins' post at his blog Confessions of a Carioca:
I cannot presume to speak for any of the other eight, but I need to be clear that my intention in attaching my name to the amicus brief was in no way to affect the outcome of that case. As the Bishop of Springfield, which is in Illinois, it is no concern of mine how a property dispute in Texas is resolved. If my action has the effect of aiding one side or the other, that is, from my perspective, an immaterial consequence. Rather, I took the action I did with the best interests of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Springfield, as nearly as I can discern them, at heart. My principal concern was to not leave unchallenged the assertion that the Episcopal Church is a unitary hierarchical organism at all levels, and that the dioceses are entirely creatures of General Convention. I viewed signing the amicus brief as consistent with my vow to uphold the doctrine and discipline of the Episcopal Church. 

I certainly signed on reluctantly and reservedly. As a matter of general principle, I am opposed to litigating church disputes in secular courts. Lots of scripture passages are challenging to interpret, but I don't think I Corinthians 10 is one of them. "Why not rather be defrauded?", St Paul says. Moreover, I realize how my action could be construed as one bishop interfering in the affairs of a fellow bishop's diocese, which is a big No-No. So I had to make a judgment call, and my judgment, after reflection and prayer, was that I had to join the intervention, because to allow such a false read of TEC polity to potentially help form legal precedent constitutes a danger that could bring harm to the church for decades to come, and resisting this outcome trumps my other concerns.
By signing on to the amicus curiae, Bishop Martins in no way meant to affect the property decision in the Diocese of Fort Worth and had only the best of intentions in his challenge to "the assertion that the Episcopal Church is a unitary hierarchical organism at all levels, and that the dioceses are entirely creatures of General Convention".   Did it never occur to the bishop that the brief might, indeed, affect the outcome of the litigation?  That he could appear to be supporting the cause of the breakaways against his own Episcopal Church?

I wonder why Bishop Martins did not take up the challenge to the hierarchical structure of the church within the channels of the church.  I wonder why he thought to promote "the best interests of the Episcopal Church" by a challenge in a court of law.

In a letter to the people of the Diocese of Albany, Bishop William Love quotes the same words from Bishop Matthews as those quoted above in Anglican Ink and says further:
While Bishop Matthews has informed me that he has received a “complaint,” against me and the other six bishops dealing with our participation in the above mentioned Amicus Curiae Brief, at this point, I have not been officially charged with anything and may not be depending on the outcome of the initial investigation of the “complaint.”

At the appropriate time, I will address my participation in the Amicus Curiae Brief with Bishop Matthews (as the Intake Officer) and others involved.

As I learn more about this situation, I will keep you informed. In the mean time I would ask for your prayers as this situation is resolved.
Again, no one is charged with anything.  A complaint is being investigated.

Commentary from the Anglican Communion Institute:
The sequence of events of the last few days leaves little doubt that these two issues of polity and Title IV were coordinated to coincide with the General Convention that begins this week. It is clear that the Title IV process is being used as a means to enforce a uniformity of thinking on polity that was inconceivable a generation ago. Less clear is whether differences of opinion over polity will be used as an excuse to preserve Title IV overreaches from corrective amendment.
I doubt that Bishop Matthews made public the information on the complaint, so, as to timing, I wonder who gave the information to George Conger and whether whoever released the information in the letter may have wanted to make martyrs of the bishops before GC.

Link to the complete text of the Amicus Curiae.


This is a story which is perfectly logical to all males:

A wife asks her husband,
"Could you please go shopping for me and buy a carton of milk,
And if they have eggs, get 6."

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.
The wife asks him, "Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"

He replied, "They had eggs."

(I'm sure you're going back to read it again!)

Yes, Frank, I went back to read the story again.


Those of us who do NOT wish to see Mitt Romney elected can only hope that the national news outlets continue to invite Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as a guest.  Here's Bobby on Meet the Press with David Gregory.
David, every governor's got two critical decisions to make.  One is do we set up these exchanges.  And, secondly, do we expand Medicaid.  And no, in Louisiana, we're not doing either one of those things.  I don't think it makes sense to do those.  I think it makes more sense to do everything we can to elect Mitt Romney to repeal Obamacare.
There are a lot of facts and figures there, a lot of charges which are disputed, so I want to try to flow this down and break it down so it's understandable.  Governer [Howard] Dean, on what Governor Jindal is proposing to not do, can you actually explain what the impact of that will be?

Let's deal with the exchanges.  First, if you don't put in your own exchange the federal government's going to run one for you.
The exchange is where you would actually go and buy--
--a program.
To buy health insurance.  So he has a choice.  Bobby has a choice, basically, of having this done for him by the federal government or doing it himself.  So I think that's a no brainer.  But, look, in my state we have had universal healthcare for every kid under 18 for 20 years by an expansion of Medicaid.

In Louisiana, it's 48th in the country in terms of child poverty, 48th in the country in terms of premature death, 48th in the country in terms of industrial accidents and so forth.  Just by expanding Medicaid alone, by accepting the president's Medicaid expansion, 340,000 out of those 860,000 uninsured people get covered.  This is a great deal.
Jindal goes on to say that the unemployment rate in Louisiana is lower than the national average, and the rate is low because of his policies as governor.  Well, I suppose he's entitled to take credit for the low unemployment rate, but it's mainly due to oil and gas company activities.  If Jindal takes credit, he also has to take the blame for the fact that the state is broke, and to maintain the fiction of the mandated balanced budget, he had to cut vital programs in a state that weighs in at the bottom in the good stuff and near the top in all the bad stuff.  Plus, he had to use one-time money to fill the budget gap, money that will not be available next year, so presumably there will be more cuts to vital services.
MITT ROMNEY: With regards to the individual mandate, the individual responsibility program that I proposed, I was very pleased that the compromise between the two houses includes the personal responsibility mandate. That is essential for bringing the health care costs down for everyone and getting everyone the health insurance they need.
This is somebody who says, "Let's repeal a law that has the individual mandate at its core."

Well, I think Paul Ryan made this point very well Friday.  Mitt Romney's always been against the national mandate.  He's always been against Obamacare.  Always said he wanted to repeal it.  Look, states are different.  Founding Fathers intended each state to be a laboratory of experimentation.

I come from one the most distinct cultural states in the entire country.  Mardi Gras is great for Louisiana.  May not work as well in Vermont or other states.  The reality is what works in Massachusetts may not be appropriate to another state.  Mitt Romney--
You're really comparing Mardi Gras to universal health insurance?
Ha, ha, ha.  Yes, David, Jindal is doing just that.  Next thing you know, the Obama socialist team will be trying to run the Mardi Gras festivities.  You know...the slippery slope.

Watch the show, or read the entire transcript at the link above, and remember...

In a brief slip of the tongue while discussing the Supreme Court’s health-care ruling, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal invoked the term “Obomney’’ care, a phrase that does Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney no favors.

“There’s only one candidate, Gov. Romney, who has committed that he will repeal the Obomney, uh, the Obamacare tax increase,’’ Mr. Jindal said.



How many times have you heard that the costs of Medicare will bankrupt the country? Have a look at the chart below. Why do we need the middle man, the for-profit health insurance companies, to rake in huge profits from people who get sick? Why not Medicare for all?

H/T to Rmj at Adventus for the chart.  His post titled "Am I my brother's keeper?" is well worth reading.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Diana taking her ease

Diana has a new thing.  She's taken to peeing on the green carpet in the living room and THEN coming to one of us to be let out.  She has the order all wrong.  Girl, come to be let out first, and THEN pee on the green lawn, instead of the green carpet.  For three days now, we've had to clean up after her, and we'll soon have to call in the carpet cleaners.

We have carpet or rugs in all the rooms except the kitchen, breakfast room, and bathrooms, and not all the areas can be closed off, except with swinging doors in the kitchen, which she can push open.  Diana's age (16) and poor eyesight and hearing might have something to do with her "accidents".


May God bless all my dear Canadian friends. Have a lovely day!


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Saturday, June 30, 2012


According to George Conger at Anglican Ink:
Seven bishops have been charged with misconduct for having endorsed a friend of the court brief prepared by the Anglican Communion Institute in the Diocese of Fort Worth case.

On 28 June 2012, the Rt Rev Maurice M. Benitez, retired Bishop of Texas, the Rt Rev John W. Howe, retired Bishop of Central Florida, the Rt Rev Paul E. Lambert. Suffragan Bishop of Dallas, the Rt Rev William H. Love, Bishop of Albany, the Rt Rev D. Bruce MacPherson, Bishop of Western Louisiana, the Rt Rev Daniel H. Martins, Bishop of Springfield, and the Rt. Rev. James M. Stanton, Bishop of Dallas were informed they had been charged with misconduct.
Read the rest of the article.

Why would the bishops join with a breakaway diocese in a suit against the church in which they took vows at their ordinations as bishops?  The litigation in the dioceses thus far has been decided in favor of church property being held in trust for The Episcopal Church, which the courts have ruled as hierarchical from its beginning.

From the Service for the Ordination of a Bishop in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer:
My brother, the people have chosen you and have affirmed their trust in you by acclaiming your election. A bishop in God’s holy Church is called to be one with the apostles in proclaiming Christ’s resurrection and interpreting the Gospel, and to testify to Christ’s sovereignty as Lord of lords and King of kings.

You are called to guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church; to celebrate and to provide for the administration of the sacraments of the New Covenant; to ordain priests and deacons and to join in ordaining bishops; and to be in all things a faithful pastor and wholesome example for the entire flock of Christ.

With your fellow bishops you will share in the leadership of the Church throughout the world. Your heritage is the faith of patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and those of every generation who have looked to God in hope. Your joy will be to follow him who came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Are you persuaded that God has called you to the office of bishop?

Will you guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church of God?

Will you share with your fellow bishops in the government of the whole Church; will you sustain your fellow presbyters and take counsel with them; will you guide and strengthen the deacons and all others who minister in the Church?
How can bishops answer in the affirmative at the ordination service and then join as Amicus Curiae in a lawsuit with a breakaway diocese in litigation against their own church?

Andrew Gerns at The Lead:
We don't know who brought the charges or what they are. Bishop F. Clayton Matthews is investigating to see if there is sufficient basis to proceed with a disciplinary action.