Monday, September 17, 2012


David Corn at Mother Jones:
During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.
Romney speaks freely amongst his own kind what they want to hear, but I'm not sure if he really believes what he's saying.  The video should hurt Romney badly, but who knows?  At least, he's gonna have some 'splainin' to do.  Romney's talking about me.  


Hildegard von bingen- "O vis aeternitatis" - Artist: Sequentia
O vis Aeternitatis
Power of Eternity
you who ordered all things in your heart,
through your Word all things are created just as you willed,
and your very Word
calls forth flesh
in the shape
which was drawn from Adam.
Power of Eternity
Power of Eternity.
Collect of the Day: Hildegard, 1179

God of all times and seasons: Give us grace that we, after the example of your servant Hildegard, may both know and make known the joy and jubilation of being part of your creation, and show forth your glory not only with our lips but in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer)


Last night I watched the film "Margin Call" quite by accident, without a plan to coordinate with the 1st anniversary of Qccupy Wall Street.  My friends, there's monkey business going on on Wall Street just in case you don't know, and I'm sad to say that a good many people I talk to do not know.  I learned nothing really new from the movie, but it was still a shocker.  Real people make decisions to screw other real people, and when the house of cards is about to crash down, real people do what they must to save their asses at the expense of other real people.

Not a few of those who survived the fall of the house of cards, the survival of the fittest of the buyers and sellers of the junk mortgage bundles, often came out of the crash with huge salaries and bonuses paid for by you and me with our tax money.  Shocking, incredible?  Yes, but that's the way it went.   

From the film review in the New York Times:
If no one in this world is patently evil, no one is innocent either. A young risk analyst named Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto) may be as close as the movie comes to a hero, but it is also possible to see what happens to him as a parable of how the system corrupts and exploits its most decent and honest minions. Working late one night Peter (who we later learn has a Ph.D. in physics) glimpses a sign of the apocalypse lurking in a mathematical model. Recent volatility in the market is threatening the stability of the mortgage-based securities that have been generating most of the company’s profits, and the resulting losses are likely to swallow this bank and make trillions of dollars vanish into thin air.
What follows Peter's discovery seems inevitable.
The most chilling and most believable aspect of “Margin Call” is how calmly and swiftly its drama of damage control unfolds. A scapegoat must be found, and a survival plan worked out. The consequences are acknowledged — those we are living with now — and then coldly accepted in the name of a vaporous greater good. “We have no choice.” “There is no choice.” “It’s not like we have a choice.” These phrases are uttered again and again, by people who truly believe what they are saying.
So, on it goes, business as usual, with not much evidence of change even as the major recession has not yet run its course.

Some say Occupy Wall Street is weakened or even dying.  Occupy (or something like it) is not dead. Don't forget that throughout the world, there are many more have-nots than there are haves.  The movement to bring about a greater measure of equality, the struggle of the have-nots and those who sympathize with them to stand against the haves will continue.  Movements can take decades to produce results. Yes, it's discouraging that change does not come more quickly.  Most people in the US are not yet ready to take real risks to bring about change, but it's a mistake to think the movement is dead.
Dozens of arrests were reported on Monday, the first anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, as protesters converged near the New York Stock Exchange and tried to block access to the exchange.

Police officers and protesters squared off at various points on the blocks near the Stock Exchange. At various points protesters tried to block sidewalks leading to the Stock Exchange, but were dispersed by the police. Officers had set up barricades on several streets leading to the exchange and were asking identification from workers seeking to gain access.
 Why are people being arrested?  Why are people walking on public streets required to show IDs?

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Fellas, I know some of you Mr Fix-its get right to the job, and I don't mean you.  I do the job myself if I can.  In fact, I am generally the handyperson around the house, but I live the message on the sign if the job is beyond me.


See A Doonesbury Retrospective.
The successful defense last week of a three-year-old Louisiana law is casting a spotlight on how conservative groups are seeking to circumvent a federal ban on the teaching of creationism in public schools.

The Louisiana Science Education Act, which allows teaching contrary to science on the grounds it promotes critical thinking, is increasingly serving as an inspiration to religious conservatives in other states. Its defenders decry the “censorship” of nonscientific ideas and advocate allowing teachers to teach “both sides” on certain scientific theories.

With the law intact, Louisiana is the state that has gone the furthest in approving legislation that opens the door to allowing alternatives to science taught in its schools
 The text of the Louisiana Science Education Act

At least, Louisiana teachers are not forced to teach non-science.  

Friday, September 14, 2012


Luiz Coelho, Jr., who painted this crucifix, was ordained a deacon last week in the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil.

Luis' crucifix is truly fine devotional art.  Luis also wrote the lovely icon of the Madonna and Child titled "Lady Enthroned" pictured on my sidebar, which is in a place of honor in my house.  I've lost touch with Luis and knew of no way to communicate with him to ask his permission to use the picture of the cross, which was included in today's Morning Prayer at The Daily Office West.   I hope he doesn't mind.
Collect of the Day: Holy Cross Day 

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ was lifted high upon the cross that he might draw the whole world to himself: Mercifully grant that we, who glory in the mystery of our redemption, may have grace to take up our cross and follow him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Prayer for Mission

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen.
UPDATE: I'd forgotten that Luis is a Facebook friend, so I've written to him to ask permission after the fact.

UPDATE 2: Luis said it was fine for me to use the icon.



OWS has asked us to help them. Their call for assistance is clear and strong…

“We need Occupy Faith’s spiritual presence especially now—it is an ingredient of the power OWS can rightfully claim on behalf of individual dignity.” –
~Lisa Fithian, OWS organizer

Since the first days of Occupy Wall Street one year ago, people of faith allied with the movement because of our frustration with an unjust society, our desire to speak truth to power, and our hope that a better world is possible. One year later we have learned many lessons, we have had to go back to the drawing board again and again, but underneath it all remains the knowledge that real change will not come through business as usual, but only when we learn how to stand together and make our common dreams a reality.

So this September 15th-17th, we ask for everyone who was inspired by the Occupy phenomenon not only to celebrate what happened, but to think forward 10 years, to consider what we would need to be doing now for the kind of real change we will want to see then. That is why here at Occupy Faith, we are calling for a truth commission: a way to pull back the veil of shame and get people talking about what their lives actually looks like under our broken economic system. We're calling it "A People's Investigation of Money, Debt, and Power," and in the days and weeks ahead we will be giving you more information about how you and your communities of faith can get involved. Because now is the time for all people of faith to have faith in all people, to remember the power of sharing our stories, and to know that the only antidote for the insanity and alienation of our culture is the cultivation of a Beloved Community in the here and now.

So join us this coming weekend - join us as we celebrate how far we've come (who would have believed a year ago that an escalation of tactics in Zuccotti Park would turn into a global movement?), and join us as we look ahead to the future. Year one is over, but year two is just getting started. See you in the streets.

Occupy Faith actions on the #OWS anniversary

A People's Investigation
Saturday, September 15
12 pm - 4pm
Washington Square (possibily moved to Foley Square)

Occupy Faith will introduce the A People's Investigation experience. This approach to pursuing truth and justice consists of 3 phases: 1) Gathering stories of loss 2) Naming the themes and compiling recommendations and 3) pursuit of transformative advocacy. In this session, you will learn how to gather stories of pain and loss and contribute them to a website for the world to see. This will be our beta launch so let's work together and figure out the best methodology.

Interfaith Service
Sunday, September 16
10 am - 12:30 pm
Zuccotti Park

We will begin the service with the blowing of the Shofar by Apostle Leeds, as our call to interfaith worship, and each minister shall take turns in the presentation of prayers on behalf of the people present, of the city and state of New York, the Country, and the world. It shall be our mandate in the worship service to set forth the moral imperative of the OccupyMovement from a faith perspective and we'll speak to the heart of America, to the condition of our country, and the corruption and greed both in Wall Street and in our government. Service will include prayer, songs, hallowing of Zuccotti Park, sermon, blessing of the NYPD. 
Training after Music Concert
Sunday, September 16
6 pm
Foley Square

Civil disobedience training will immediately follow the concert's conclusion with a possibly of thematic break out activities

Sunday, September 16
7 pm

Occupy Faith reps will end the Foley Square concert with brief remarks and lead a procession to Zuccotti Park. Occupy Faith supporters will stand behind the speakers. Procession will continue until the Rosh Hashana service begins at 7:30 pm.

#S17 Morning Action
Monday, September 17
Meet 6:45 am, Direct Actions at 7 am
"Red Cube" across from Zuccotti Park

This location is one of thefour organizational zones OWS is using that ring the financial district for a 'people's arrest'. We will offer prayer and strengthen occupiers presence. We will then process to three other zones in support. Each zone has a security check point for access to the Stock Exchange. OWS emergency media contacts us for immediate presence at any zone needing special help and presence. For those participating in these actions, please send your cell # to George Packard, geopackard (at) It is critical to keep connected during this deployment as we may have to be nimble or loose in structure and potentially leave Occupy Faith members in each zone as we make the circuit. Click here to read more about #OWS' #S17 plans.

Occupy Faith Draft Statement - 9/12/12

"Occupy Faith sets forth a moral and faith-based imperative for the Occupy movement.  We heed the voice crying in the American wilderness for justice; we have a heart for the poor, the powerless, the disenfranchised; we uphold the laborer of every class in the value and righteousness of her or his labor; and we summon the American conscience to stand up for equality and social and economic justice for all." [Read more.]

Greensboro Declaration

Today the Council of Elders release their Greensboro Declaration. The Council of Elders encourages faith communities to unite on the weekend of September 30 and, in their own sacred spaces, use this declaration as a basis for faith discussion. Click here to read the full declaration. 

Note from me - June Butler (aka Grandmère Mimi):
I thought seriously about going to NYC, but since I am a part-time mom to the children of my son, who is a single dad, I could not put the trip together.  Any of you who are in or near NYC, I urge you to be present if at all possible.


Romney is back to campaigning on the economy, as well he should be, since he has revealed himself as lacking even minimum skills in handling a foreign affairs crisis.  The Republican candidate stepped in it when he ventured into pontificating on foreign policy.  I ask you: Would you want this man at the helm of the ship of state in the midst of a violent storm?

The economy shows signs of slow improvement as evidenced by the soaring stock market yesterday, which is still on the rise today.  Romney and the major players in his campaign contributions are richer, which should be some consolation for them, though not particularly good news for the campaign.  It's not easy to run against an improving economy.
Mitt Romney is promising to reduce taxes on middle-income Americans.

But how does he define "middle-income"? The Republican presidential nominee defined it Friday as income of $200,000 to $250,000 a year and less.
Really?  Folks I know with incomes at and above $200,000 appear pretty damned well-to-do to me. 

The picture shows Romney waving good-bye.  (I hope; I hope!)