Friday, January 25, 2008

About The Man Who Licks His Comb

From Juan Cole on the State Department re-hiring Paul Wolfowitz as an adviser on arms control:

Hiring Paul Wolfowitz to advise the State Department on arms control is like hiring Lindsay Lohan as a driving instructor.

Besides, when someone is consistently wrong and always vastly exaggerating the threat from abroad, it isn't normal.

And we need him to vastly exaggerate the threat from Iran, why? Maybe because no one reputable would take it on

Take Cole's "trip down memory lane" on Wolfowitz's mistakes from the long-ago past.

Read the rest of Cole's post for the day and for days past, if you like. I try not to miss his daily reports on the Middle East.


  1. Lord have mercy, we don't need that corrupt, comb-licking twit anywhere near our State Department. He's done enough damage as one of the architects of the Iraq War. These folks don't have the sense God gave a goose (as my mama would say).

    I see Juan Cole is another thing we have in common. I so value his perspective on the Middle East.

  2. Pretty disgusting, isn't it? All around. What is Condi thinking? I think Juan Cole is right. No one else with any sense wants the job.

  3. thanks for the link. It does seem incredible to have Wolfowitz back?!?

  4. Diane, it is incredible that folks who fail so miserably and repeatedly continue to be invited to work within the Bush maladministration.

  5. EEEEUUUUWWWWW! He liked his comb? EEEEUUUUWWWW!!

  6. Susan, I guess he did like it if he licked it. I'll probably have to take this one down. It makes me sickish just thinking about it.


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