Sunday, February 24, 2008

Waning Gibbous Moon

Waning gibbous moon
Shining brightly shining low
Hides behind the trees

Anyone wanna add a haiku, go right ahead. It doesn't have to be about the moon.

Photo from Infinite Focus


  1. Remnants of flu bug
    make a break for others' lungs
    Hack! Cover your mouth.

    (Sorry, Mimi, it's where I've been all week.)

  2. Kirstin, I'm so sorry! I hope that you feel better now. Prayers for you.

    Thank you for the haiku. I wish its subject was different.

  3. So do I, my friend--
    I'll write you a better one
    When my cough is gone.

  4. Kirstin, they just flow, don't they?

  5. Once you get started
    Writing in this rhythmic form
    It is hard to stop.

  6. Oh our poor Kirstin
    She is stuck in haiku mode
    Where is the off switch

  7. Sweet Jesus, mercy!
    Put her back on loopy pills--
    that might slow her down.

  8. *Laugh* *cough* *laugh* *hack* *cough*
    Why have I been forsaken?
    I inhale speed, now.*

    *albuterol, rescue inhaler

  9. She does beautifully on her loopy pills. Drifts off, gets her needed rest, and doesn't get into too much trouble. I was just thinking it might be good for flu recuperation too.

    {very naughty smirk}

  10. I was in New Orleans at my loopiest. Didn't get into trouble?

    Yeesh, dear Paul, I'm barely getting used to having a brain again. I'm not taking more codeine 'til bedtime.

    [Lest anyone from the FDA or FBI or wherever is reading this: these are all prescribed to me, for legitimate--and transitory--health complaints. Neither I, nor these friends of mine, are in any more trouble than we ought to be.]

  11. "Neither I, nor these friends of mine, are in any more trouble than we ought to be."

    A highly provocative statement, I should think. It raises the spectre of trouble one ought to be in and I rather imagine St Paul would cry out μη γενοιτο!

  12. these are all prescribed to me, for legitimate--and transitory--health complaints.

    Yes, yes, Kirstin, of course. ;o)

    Paul, μη γενοιτο, indeed!

  13. St. Paul was in enough trouble already... perhaps like one here who was named for him, who is at least as good at sharing such fortune.

  14. I like the picture
    It's pretty and makes me smile.
    Thanks for posting it.


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