Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Button Sold At Texas GOP Convention

From Talking Points Memo.

When TPM contacted spokespersons at the GOP, they said that they did not know about the buttons and, had they known, they would not have permitted them to be sold.


  1. Truth be told, the only reason my brother would vote for McCain is to keep the white in "White House." Otherwise, McCain's too liberal for him. He was a Tancredo man; hold back that roaring flood of brown people.
    Soon, the only place where he's going to feel comfortable is in a bunker in Idaho.
    I wonder where he got all that malarkey? Not from

  2. Not only is that button outrageous, depiscable, and insulting to the ideals on which this country was based, it contains at least three grammatical errors in 12 words.*

    That's got to be a record for all-time political stupidity.

    * Neither president nor the should be capitalized, and there should be a comma after president and before the ellipsis. Actually, the use of ellipsis is wrong there too, so that makes four.

  3. I wonder where he got all that malarkey? Not from Dad.

    From his brother?

    Ruth, tell 'em!

  4. When TPM contacted spokespersons at the GOP, they said that they did not know about the buttons and, had they known, they would not have permitted them to be sold.

    Yeah, right.

  5. "From his brother?"

    Not from me.
    He thinks I'm a foolish wooly-headed bleeding heart, tax and spend New York librul.
    The only reason "Jew" doesn't get into the above is because we were raised in the same Methodist church.

  6. Johnieb, don't you take them at their word?

    Counterlight, it sounds like a pretty accurate description of you - and me, too.

  7. I am so often embarrassed by Texas.

  8. Jan, take heart. They'd probably sell well here in Louisiana, too.

  9. Do you think he will live long enough to get to the elections?

  10. Themethatisme,


  11. Racism in the GOP, in Texas ?! I'm shocked, shocked I say ! ;->


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