Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cajun Hurricane Survival Kit

Toilet Paper..................................check

Bud Light...........................................check

Keystone Ice........................................check


Red Dog.............................................check

Misc. other bottles of alcohol......................check

Piece of plywood to float your old lady and booze on ...... check

God love dem Cajuns!

Please! Don't tell me this is not PC. I am a Cajun, so it's OK for me to post jokes like this. I can also post demeaning jokes about the French, the English, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and the Germans, because I am all of those, too.


  1. Love it.

    I have a couple of good Cajun friends on a discussion forum. From what I've seen, many Cajuns seem to have a healthy ability to laugh at themselves.

  2. Just as well you are not a dog, Grandmere or one could make a comment about mongrels :-)
    (Held off posting this until I saw your comment about my English as a foreigner :-))

  3. No problem, Brian. Don't you know that we mongrels are the best?

  4. I hope you also have the real survival kit set up!

  5. Dan, we have a list of important papers to gather up along with a few other belongings. Then we'll load up those and our dog, Diana, and get the hell out. That's our survival plan. We are advised not to stay.

  6. Yeah, but I have a feeling that list was for Red Dog the alcoholic beverage, not a red dog like my Mr. Boomer. However, this list would be very similar to the NE Mo. Redneck flood survival list, with the addition of

    "family dog(s)" check
    "12 gauge shotgun" check
    "Jack Daniels or Jim Beam" check (Jack and/or Jim should never be considered "miscellaneous bottles of alcohol...)

  7. One of my favorite Cajun stories, in the "Cajuns will eat anything" category (from Justin Wilson):

    Justin is walkin' down de road and he see little Beudroux comin' t'other way with a large, dead bird in his hand.

    Justin: Beudroux, whatcha gots der ?

    Beudroux: A dead hawk. Kilt it mysef.

    J: A hawk ?! Whatcha gonna do with a dead hawk ?

    B: Take it home to Grandmère. She gonna make gumbo out it.

    J: (making a sour face) Beudroux, jus' what you tink "hawk gumbo" gonna taste like ?!

    B: (shrugs nonchalantly) Dunno. 'Bout like owl.

  8. BTW, in case anyone thinks I'm being a snob, please realize that I'm a Southerner from waaaay back (both sides of my family's from Virginia, Pre-Revolutionary War). Family tree's also chock full of every kind of redneck, Southern cracker you can imagine. :)

    And, of course, I dearly love our Grandmère Mimi. Yes I do...

  9. David, no offense, of course. You know what they say about Cajuns. They'll eat anything that doesn't eat them first. But they say that about rednecks, too.


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