Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From True Majority - Stop Torture

Dear June,

Ask Senator McCain to oppose torture.

Did you see the news? Yesterday a military judge overseeing the first war crimes trials at Guantanamo refused to consider evidence obtained in "highly coercive environments and conditions."1 So now not only is information acquired through torture unreliable, un-American and immoral, it's also useless.

We're working together with Catholics United and the School of the Americas Watch to bring you the voices of torture survivors and military interrogators who are asking Sen. McCain to regain his moral footing and ban torture.

Torture should not be a partisan issue. It's a question of what America stands for. In 2005, Senator John McCain led the effort to ban any US personnel from engaging in torture.2 Since then, something has changed. Earlier this year, Sen. McCain voted against that very same torture ban.3

For years now, the Supreme Court has been steadily rolling back George Bush's abuses of executive power. Now, it's time for the Congress to reclaim its role of checks and balances and stand up to the Bush administration. We need a bipartisan consensus in Congress against any branch of the US government practicing torture.

Watch this video from Joshua Casteel, a former military interrogator. Then join Joshua and call on Sen. McCain to lead his party by bringing an end to torture in all circumstances.


Thanks for taking action,


Ilya Sheyman
Online Organizer


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