Monday, July 21, 2008

Watch And Pray

From Bishop Gene Robinson's blog:

I learned more about today's planned meeting of the House of Bishops and the official thinking behind my not being able to attend. I don't "get" their reasoning, but here it is: (And the fact is, most of our House of Bishops is probably totally unaware of the "negotiations" going on behind the scenes.) The Lambeth planners do NOT consider this a meeting of our House of Bishops. Rather, they say, this is a part of the Lambeth Conference, and therefore, as a non-invitee, I will not be allowed on the premises where the meeting is taking place. It seems a flimsy distinction to me, but I have decided not to pursue it. It really puts all of us in a lose-lose position: if I abide by their ruling, I am excluded; if I fight it or simply show up, then I'm the troublemaker and rebel. If the House of Bishops takes some action on this, necessitating a vote, then it divides our House -- a further and unnecessary division that I refuse to encourage. So no matter how you slice it, someone loses. I have decided, on my own, to let it go, sad as it is. This is not a ditch I feel called to die in. I will just mourn the sadness of it, and move on. (There's something about shaking the dust off your sandals and moving on that I've read somewhere!)

What I want all of you to know is that there are some amazing people in our House of Bishops who are working constantly behind the scenes to support me. Their support means the world to me. They are as dismayed, discouraged and frustrated as the rest of us. They need to play THEIR roles INSIDE the Big Top (the large tent where they are meeting -- the circus reference has been duly noted by everyone!), and I need to play MINE, OUTSIDE, as our beloved ++Katharine told me back in March. So that's what we'll do.

For now, it seems that the best policy for us is to allow the Episcopal bishops to continue with their work behind the scenes and to pray, pray, pray.

I'm not sorry that the emails went out. The message that many of us care about Bishop Gene's inclusion and that we are following the events at Lambeth closely went out to many of our bishops, and that can't be a bad thing.

Thanks to Wayward Episcopalian for the link to Bishop Gene's message.


  1. Anyone know an email address for Bishop Gene? I'm sure he's too busy to answer them all but I'd like to send a message of support anyway.

  2. Mimi, I've been remiss in checking my favorite blogs (yours included) lately. And, I discover that you've been off dancing and cavorting in Kansas City. I, too, danced to that song when I was an even smaller slip of a girl than you. We lived in Bermuda with my Dad in the Navy, and the Teen Club allowed us 12 year olds to participate. What fun! Thanks for the memories.

    And, I've been reading some of the blogs from Lambeth. Worshipping together is so important, and, according to Michael's letter, this seems to be bringing some closeness. I am still dismayed that our Gene is the outsider. And, I think that our good Archbishop of Canterbury was wrong not to include him, especially in the meeting of the Episcopal Church's House of Bishops. How brave Gene must be, and how much we must pray.

  3. Oh my- I read this earlier.

    If there is a way to send him a message I would do so too, but mostly I just pray and pray.

    His honesty and his dignity are very moving to me.

  4. Tandaina and Fran, I do not have an email address for Bishop Gene. Perhaps the Diocese of New Hampshire website would show it.

    Sharecropper, good to have you back. Yes, they're wearing me out. So far, it's been hotter here than in Louisiana, if you can believe that. Tomorrow, it should cool down by about ten degrees.

    Today, we visited Amish country, and I'm heading for the art museum tomorrow.

  5. Grandmere --You suprised us with some posts.

    This is indeed a sorry and sad circumstance.

    I have Bishop Gene's secretary's email address, and am writing her first thing in the morning to convey concern and prayers. And, yes, you can get email and telephone info off the website.

    Many blessings, Grandmere, and hope you are well.
    Travel safely.

  6. I scoured the New Hampshire Diocesan website for an email address for Bishop Gene -- I'm convinced it's not there.
    I just wrote a small appreciation of him opn my blog and I hope the thoughts get to him somehow.

  7. I simply went to the diocese of New Hampshire site and left an email with their diocesan office (under CONTACT) to be passed on.


    I am sorry I have not posted with you in so long. I have been reading, it's just that I usually have nothing better to add!

    This whole thing with Gene, coming back to see his post of Sunday, just tears at my heart. Shunning is the cruelest treatment, loneliness an unbearable pain. It's that that makes the saints write of the need for encouragement during that Dark Night of the Soul. Williams' "explanation" and comments on those who were invited I found not so much illuminating as discreet, very British, aggression and insult. It's clear to me that the dear ABC can not stand Americans.

    It's just so disgusting and heartbreaking!

  8. This situation is really unfortunate. From outside, it looks like the Anglican Communion as a whole has sold its soul out of fear of losing the wingnuts. Not a great way to attract newcomers, I'd say.

    Well, the heck with 'em for now. Enjoy your trip!!!!!!!

  9. PJ's analysis is perfectly correct. Apparently, in the Anglican Communion, it's the organization above all else...

  10. Allen, that was a good thing to do.

    Mark, it tears at my heart, too. I cannot even imagine what it's like for Gene. As for the ABC's explanations, I've given up trying to make out what he means.

    PJ, with David, I'm sad to say that you see the picture as it is. My hope lies with those who don't give up the fight for justice and inclusion. As I see it, we are never to sacrifice individuals for the good of the organization. Folks may choose to sacrifice themselves for a cause, but if we call ourselves Christians, we can never offer others to be sacrificed. Jesus called us to lay down our lives for others. He never said to lay down the lives of others.

  11. In an email, Chessie tells me that if you go to the clergyquickfind page for Church Publishing, and put Gene's name in, you'll find an email option.

    Chessie lives in Pittsburgh with +Duncan as her bishop. As she says, "Sigh...."

  12. Tandaina, +Gene's email is I sent him an email a few weeks back congratulating him and Mark on their civil union, and he did respond. Of course, I am in his diocese, so he may make responding to people like me a slightly higher priority, but it does show that he does check his email.

  13. I've been reading +Gene's blog. There is a palpable sense of isolation and the detail of how the administration does that seems deliberately cruel.

    Nevertheless, his presence is a rebuke to them.


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